Your Title here You can use this template for short-term notices and posters Please only use it internally Choose the colour of your title font by right clicking in the title box and choosing from the drop down font menu. For high impact, choose colours from the EBS Toolkit. To make sure the colour is exact, enter the RGB values: Royal Blue: R0/G52/B120 Seagrass: R0/G122/B135 Lime green: R193/G216/B47* Aqua: R114/G181/B204 Dark Grey: R81/G98/B111 Light Grey: R198/G198/B188 Crimson: R136/G35/B69 Dark Pink: R169/G0/B97 *You may need to use black text on these colours so the text can be clearly seen For help with student communications, contact Charlie Keitch: