Wicked History Trivia Presented by Mrs. Gogo, Mrs. Hernandez, and Ms. Varney
The legacy of Vlad the Impaler has inspired which of the following: a. Bela Lugosi, Bram Stoker, and The Lost Boys b. The Cullens, and Damon and Stefan Salvatore c. Buffy, Angel, and Spike d. Count Chocula Cereal and The Count from Sesame Street e. All of the above e. All of these were inspired by Vlad Dracula
How did Attila the Hun die? He ate a poisoned apple He was killed by his brother He choked on his own blood He was the victim of a drive-by shooting c. Attila choked on his own blood on his wedding night.
Why was Idi Amin known as ‘Big Daddy’? For his career as a Rap artist People thought he was going to take care of them He was a very overweight He had so many kids b. People thought that Amin would care for them and their country like a father would care for his kids.
Vlad Dracula, the real name of Vlad the Impaler, means what? a. Little Devil b. Little Demon c. Firstborn Son d. Strawberry Fields a. Little Devil
Attila was nicknamed: The scourge of man The scourge of God A-Dog One bad dude b. He was known as the scourge of God (God’s whip to punish the nations with).
Amin was famous for what before he became president? He did the voice for a Simpson’s character He was an opera singer He was a basketball player He was a boxer d. Idi Amin first won fame for being the light heavy weight boxing champion
Vlad used a stake… d. To impale his enemies a. to skewer kebobs for a neighborhood block party b. as a walking stick for his many leisurely walks around the countryside c. as an early toothpick prototype d. to impale his enemies, and line the surrounding areas with these stakes and the bodies, as a warning to anyone who might challenge him d. To impale his enemies
When Attila and Bleda's father died, who was let to raise them? A pack of wolves Attila and Bleda's uncles Attila and Bleda’s aunts Their nanny b. Bleda & Attila were raised by their uncles.
Which of the following was used by Amin’s army to kill prisoners? Bayonets Machetes Explosives Clubs All of the above e. Amin would order his soldiers to use all of these means to avoid ‘wasting bullets’
Vlad might consider what as a delicious dip for his bread? a. Garlic Lovers hummus b. Extra Virgin olive oil with a dash of balsamic vinegar c. The blood of his recently slain enemies d. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!® c. The blood of his enemies
True or False: Attila was known to show mercy on women and children of the villages that he attacked? False. Attila showed no mercy on the people whose villages he attacked, he was especially cruel to those who tried to run.
What was the name of the army for which Amin served? The Kings African Rifles The Ugandan National Army The Army of Really Bad Dudes Tough Guys Army a. The Kings African Rifles, or KAR
Who was the most wicked person in history? Decide for yourself, read ‘A Wicked History’ series books!