Development of the Colonies
EQ How does the economy and lifestyle of each region of colonies help develop their area and views on slavery?
Vocabulary Artisan Cash Crop Clan Diversity Indigo Overseer Smuggling Subsistence Farming Triangular Trade
Group Project We will split into 3 groups; New England, Middle and Southern In this project you will have to do a couple of things; Read your section in chapter 4( Section 1, 2 or 3), have a visual representation of your region of colonies and a skit to represent home life in your area This project will require you to work and discuss as a group to accomplish the requirements for the assignment. You will need to elect a team leader and figure out who wants to do what.
Requirements Read your section Create a plan to accomplish the poster and skit You must have at least 4 people in the skit (those not in the skit must be the primary workers on the poster) The poster must show the things important to the region of colonies( religion, how do they make money, slavery, etc.) What was slavery like in your region? You must present your poster and perform your skit (remember skits are supposed to be funny)
New England Colonies New England Colonies Colonies would use the sugar to make rum. Colonies would send china, books and cloth West Indies send sugar back Africa West Indies (Caribbean) Colonies would trade rum and firearms for slaves
New England Slaves Very few slaves; used as maids, cooks, gardeners and stable hands Slave owners would allow their slaves to work at the docks and even let them keep some of their money they earned
Middle Colonies Economy based in farming and commerce Farming- grains (wheat, barley and rye) Commerce- large trading cities- New York and Philadelphia Largely due to the great diversity of people immigrating to America
More slaves than the New England Colonies Used both slaves and indentured servants to grow and harvest cash crops
Boats in the harbor of New York Look at how many people are in the streets of Philadelphia.
Southern Colonies Virginia/North Carolina- tobacco 1700- 32 million lbs. (not counting NC) 1770 88.3 million lbs. South Carolina/Georgia- rice Exporting 16.9 million lbs. a year by 1730 1770- 83.8 million lbs.
Cont. Economy based on plantations Huge tracts of land and labor required Slave trade very important
Setting the Scene “For how is it possible to govern a people so dispersed; especially such as for the most part are sent over? .... How can we raise soldiers to go upon the enemy or workmen for the public employments, without weakening them too much, or undoing them by drawing them from their labors? Whereas if we had planted [settled] together we could have borne out one another’s labors and given both strength and beauty to the colony”