Sources of Wisdom and Authority (Life of Muhammad) 2 – First Revelations
Starter Words to describe the Prophet Muhammad/an element of his life – you cannot repeat what someone else has already said! Muhammad
Muhammad’s early life Born into an important clan (Hashemite) of the ruling tribe of Mecca (Quraysh). His father died before Muhammad was born. He was cared for by a foster mother (Halimah) from his birth until the age of 2. His mother died when he was six. He was cared for by his grandfather from the ages of six-eight, until his grandfather died. His uncle took over as leader of the Hashemites and carer of Muhammad at this time.
Prepared for Prophethood He was well known as an honest, fair and trustworthy person. He was a trading manager by the age of 21, showing skills of leadership and diplomacy. “Even before his prophethood, Muhammad was the judge and referee of the Quraysh at the time of their disputes and crises. He earned the names of al’Amin (the trustworthy) and as’Sadiq (the truthful)” (Ghulam Sarwar)
Prepared for Prophethood Married to his wealthy employer, a woman named Khadijah, who bore him six children. Muhammad did not practice polygamy (more than 1 wife) until after the death of Khadijah – even though their two sons died as infants. His grandchildren came from the daughters he had with Khadijah.
Prepared for Prophethood Between 595 and 610AD, Muhammad became more and more interested in religion. Was in contact with Zayd ibn Am’r (a hanif) and his wife’s cousin Waraqa (a Christian); links to monotheism. Began to find Meccan polytheism more and more offensive and the corruption, dishonesty and greed of the leaders made it worse.
Your Task Read through pages 81-83 of Watton (not including ‘From Boycott to the Hijra’). What message did Muhammad receive from Allah? Why were people against this message? Who in particular was very against it? What kinds of persecution followed?
Prime Location “If we cast a glance at the world atlas, we find that no other country could have been more suitable than Arabia for the much needed world religion. It is situated right in the middle of Asia and Africa and Europe is not far away… Look at the history of the era too, and you will find that no other people were more suited to be endowed with this Prophet than the arabs… It was, therefore, a manifestation of God’s grace and wisdom that He chose Arabia as the birth-place of the World Prophet.” (Abul Ala Mawdudi)
Explain the situation of pre-Islamic Arabia (10)
Progress Check Plenary What have you learnt this lesson? Facts – e.g Ideas/viewpoints Similarities/differences - diversity Key words/concepts Examples of how religion affects the world around us – e.g. culture What contribution to your learning did you make? Contributed to class discussion Worked in a pair/group Organised my time well Found out information for myself Answered thoroughly and thoughtfully Completed extension task Monitored my progress Peer/ self assessed work How did you learn it? Research work Discussion Questioning Pairs/ group work - collaborative Independent learning Using technology e.g video/ internet What do you need to do in order to make further progress? Do further research Background reading Develop my writing technique Contribute more in class Proof read my work Give examples to back up my ideas Make connections between different beliefs and faiths