Policy, Planning & Strategy Division Social protection & WFP: A quick update SP Interagency Board July 2012 Policy, Planning & Strategy Division
SP components Labor market, insurance Safety nets/ Social transfers e.g. public works Labor market, insurance (Contrib. pensions, health insurance, min wages etc.) Safety nets/ Social transfers Transfers (non-contributory) Cash transfers, food, vouchers for food assistance Social services Sect. policy for access to education, health, nutrition, agriculture etc e.g. school feeding + Legislation
New corporate SP policy SNIP, “Safety Nets in Practice” Calls for “…. definition, articulation and documentation of how to build systems of safety nets in different contexts”. To be pursued “… in collaboration with governments and partners such as the World Bank, UNICEF, ILO, UNDP, UNHCR, FAO, IFAD, regional institutions, NGOs and others” (p.27). Generation and use of evidence are both important Translate robust (ex-ante and ex-post) evidence into programming
Implementation by instrument e.g. food-for-work beneficiaries: 4M e.g. school feeding beneficiaries: 22M e.g. 2.5M children <2 special nutritional products Share (%) of WFP program portfolio
Implementation by modality Volume of cash-based assistance (2011: 41 countries, 4.4M beneficiaries) $ million (preliminary)
Implementation by modality Choice of most appropriate delivery mechanisms…. Basic Advanced …. and set-up of supporting administrative infrastructure (for multiple applications)
(Measuring) what works RCTs in five countries, final results in fall 2012 Ecuador: triple urban comparison Niger: seasonal work programs Uganda: early child nutrition Yemen: relief transfers Cambodia: school meals Tool for ex-ante decision-making tested in OPT, Zambia, Mozambique and Kenya (with DSM) “Omega value”: process to quantify costs (from procurement to delivery) against expected effectiveness Limited to nutrition (micronutrients) and vouchers vs food In partnership with
Latest developments Instrument blend: R4 “Insurance-for-work” Extension of HARITA in Ethiopia, new pilots in West Africa Building on the PSNP; 1,810 payouts in 2011 Regional institutions: AU, CAADP, SADC New technical guidance on public works
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