ATTENTION!!!! T-shirts speak!!! Larionov Pavel, 11«А» School №3 ATTENTION!!!! T-shirts speak!!! Larionov Pavel, 11«А»
The History of T-Shirts
Do the owners understand the meaning of inscriptions on their clothes, especially if they are written in a foreign language? Or do they wear clothes because they are fashionable, beautiful, or for any other reason?
The hypothesis There is a direct dependence of the semantic loading of inscriptions on the clothes from the level of the English language proficiency.
The object of the study is English inscriptions on the t-shirts of students of our school. The subject of the study is determination of the information given by inscriptions on clothes
The aim of our work to find out how the semantic load of inscriptions on clothes depends on the language level of their owners
The tasks of the study are: to study the history of the labels on the clothes; to study the history of the T-shirts; to identify the semantic features of the inscriptions; to collect some inscriptions on clothes; to translate the inscriptions into Russian; to identify the age of students and the main reasons of buying clothes with inscriptions ; to summarize the data.
Working Methods searching method, supposing analysis of language factors; experimental method for realization of questionnaire; analytical method, supposing the analysis of the selected inscriptions.
The name of brand «Nike» «Adidas» «Puma» «Reebok
Title bands or just directions in music, the names of sports teams Title bands or just directions in music, the names of sports teams. «Metallica», «Madonna for you», «Linkin Park», «Manchester United». «Green Day»,
«Minimum of the contact with surrounding» Funny words or phrases «Devilish girls», «Don't copy me!» «Minimum of the contact with surrounding»
Negative, abusive, obscene words and expressions «Devilish girls», «Don't copy me!», «Minimum of the contact with surrounding».
The expression of a personal relationship to politics, the world around them, and ecology. «Stop pollution», «Save the earth!», «Stop and think», «Peace and love», «Don` t worry! Be happy! »
The call to establish contact with the opposite sex, become acquainted «Call me!», «Take me to paradise», «Follow me», «My boyfriend is out of town»
Netral value line «Sunday», «Space», «Summer time», «Butterfly».
Human characteristics. Forever Young», «Legendary», «I was born to be blond», «The best kisser in the world», «People like people but I am the Queen», «Born to be Free».
Quote «Diamonds are best Girls' Friends» «All you need is rock-n-roll»
Challenge to society «Boxing match between you and me», «Trouble here I come», «Catch me if you can».
We have made our study by the next way: 1) we have found at our school students that have in T-shirts with English inscriptions 2) we have photographed the most interesting inscriptions and asked some questions: - How old are you? - Do you know the sense of the inscription on your clothes or not - Why have you bought this thing? - What marks do you have? 3) we have translated the inscriptions into Russian
100 % of students having good and excellent marks know the meaning of the inscriptions on the clothes they wear and there are no silly inscriptions or inscriptions with mistakes on their clothes.
Reduced forms «Don`t forget me », « Let’s up the volume» «Wonna get you now»
The abundance of grammatical and lexical errors «Two special girl» «I can to fly», «Stop and thinks», «A long special men», «I love my ».
The prevalence of interrogative and exclamatory sentences «Don’t worry! Be happy! » « Have you found me? » « Can you find a rabbit? » « War is over? ».
A broken into pieces «Princ iple ofsuc cess», «fan tas tic»
Conclusion: 1. In the course of the historical development of t-shirt has gone from uniforms to the means of communication that is available to anyone. 2 Diverse semantic content label on the shirt obliges its owner to know not only translation but also be responsible for the basic idea of the utterance. 3. Language of the inscriptions is one species and speaking. 4. Language content label reflects the level of modern language 5. Interests of modern people and their level of culture are reflected in the inscription 6. The study also has shown that the majority of students who is not good at English didn’t know the meaning of the inscriptions. .
Direct dependence semantic loading of inscriptions English language proficiency
Practical value newspaper
What will you put on your next favorite t-shirt?
Thanks for attention!!!