Team 5 – Silver Snakes Design Review Silver Snake Speaker System March 7, 2012
General System Block Diagram
PIC Flowchart
Block diagram of Ian’s subsystem Switches activate the PIC which then forwards the command to the LCD module The driver takes the commands from the PIC and sends it to the display which then outputs it through the screen If wrong command occurs it can either be visualize by the incorrect display or no display at all
Program LCD display with PIC24 PIC to interface internal driver on LCD module Driver forwards commands to the display Operate the LCD display with switches First switch first activation will pause display to selected category, then second activation outputs desired recording Second switch activation will exit any unwanted previous selections Interchange category pictures by allowing user to import and store into PIC memory Can be personal images, clip art, or even from the Internet
Block Diagram of Matt’s Subsystem The PIC24E reads the audio files from the flash drive The PIC sends audio files to the VS1033 to be decoded and converted to analog The analog signals are played through the speaker
Flow Diagram of Jeff’s Subsystem
Safety Ensure that the screen does not cause seizers Set a wait timer of five seconds before displaying the next category to avoid repetitive flashing Display pictures not videos to avoid rapid movement Set the brightness to a lower level to evade blinding lights Keep the total weight to a range under a few pounds Allow user to rest the system on his/her body Avoid damages/malfunction when dropped from a height of a yard or more