English 6C Why would “Amazing Grace” be a good soundtrack song for Phillip’s experience on the Cay?
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. 'Twas blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed. When we've been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun, We've no less days to sing God's praise Then when we first begun. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see.
I think Phillips experience is similar to John Newton’s experience I think Phillips experience is similar to John Newton’s experience. They both realize that everyone is equal, even in different colour. The song “Amazing Grace” shares emotions how wrong he was to slave trade. Phillip and John Newton were both prejudice, towards black people. Phillip went blind and started to realize that everyone is equal They both learned there lesson. Dayna Preston
Siah I think it would be a good soundtrack for Phillip’s experience the line, “Was blind, but now I see” shows how Phillip had acted. He was “blind” when he could actually see and judge Timothy by his skin colour. But when he went blind, he could “see” the inside of Timothy while depending on him. Phillip relied on Timothy for dangers, food and where he was going. So in conclusions, “Amazing Grace” would be a god soundtrack for the Cay”
Cascade Because Timothy and Phillip have gone through many toils and snares like the terrible hurricane, being stranded on the Cay, and the ship wreak. “I was blind, but now I see” means that Phillip was blind latterly, he couldn’t see the true Timothy, the inner Timothy. While he was blind he saw the true Timothy with the big heart. Phillip only saw Timothy as a stupid, slave.
I think that this song would be a good song for the cay because it really shows the change of Phillip's thought toward timothy. The lines “I was blind but now I see” perfectly shows how phillip was prejudice to timothy and when he became blind he could see the good in timothy. I think that this song inspired the write to make this book because it fits so much with the book. Rheanna
I think that Amazing Grace would be a good soundtrack for the Cay because the whole song has sentences that can easily come to the story like “Was blind, but now I see” because when Phillip wasn’t bling he just thought about Timothy for being black, stupid and ugly but now that he can’t see, he knows him for being king and caring. Blaise
It would be a good soundtrack for Phillip because the book talks about Phillip going bling at one point. This snippet fits perfectly, “I was blind but now I see.” This fits perfectly because Phillip is actually blind and now he sees Timothy inside and who he really is. That is why “Amazing Grace” is the best soundtrack for Phillip’s experience. Armaan
Dana Amazing Grace would be a good soundtrack for Phillip’s experience because John wrote “Was blind but now I see” because Phillip before he was blind said Timothy was stupid. Now since he is blind he can see Timothy’s true heart with some thinking. He also wrote that through many dangerous it reminded me that Phillip and Timothy went through so many dangers
“Amazing Grace” is a good sound track for Phillip’s experience on the Cay. It is telling the message that he learned. He learned that he was wrong, cruel and very prejudice towards Timothy. He starts to learn that segregation is terrible and that it is whats on the inside that matters. The lines “I once was lost, but now am found.” This is very true because it is telling you that Phillip was last with Timothy and didn’t now what type of person he was. But later Phillip realizes that and finds out how caring and loving Timothy is. Cole
“Amazing Grace would be a perfect soundtrack for the cay because it is a fitting moral and summary. Almost every line fits somewhat into the story. For example “Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far And grace will lead me home.” This line is relative to the story because Timothy is like grace and Timothy saves Phillip through the storm and Timothy has lead him home through all they have been through. Overall the story is so similar it’s like Taylor was inspired by this song. Lochlan