Introduction To Programming with LEGO NXT 1
Introduction Introduction to the NXT-G Connecting to the NXT Brick USB Bluetooth
Personal Profiles NXT-G saves all file into your profile area. This is located on the local machine. It’s located is Inside the documents and settings, under your username ..\My Documents\LEGO Creations\MINDSTORMS Projects\profiles\[Your profile name] The profile name will probably be ‘Default’
Personal Profiles You can ‘double click’ a file and open it from anywhere but you should get into the habit of copying to and from the local machine and your own university storage area or memory stick. Make Sure You Copy Your Files at the end of each session
Connecting to the NXT Brick USB Bluetooth Wireless COM Based Device Pairing NXT-G USB / Bluetooth Visual Basic Bluetooth Only
USB Setup Plug it in and make sure the NXT robot is switched on. The robot will appear in the NXT management window (Later)
NXT Bluetooth Setup Bluetooth On and Visible
Connecting the NXT NXT-G Ensure Brick is On Ensure Connection is active Ensure Bluetooth is enabled and visible (previous) Ensure USB Lead is plugged in
The Management Console
Manage NXT Brick Manage Communications (Previous) Manage Files Manage Data (Graphics/Sound) Programs
The Management Console Download and run Current Block Manage The Brick Download and Run Download Only Stop Current Program
Lab 1