Powerpoint Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 50 Development Agriculture Industry Services Environmental Issues 10 20 30 40 50
The establishment of standards to measure the quality of life and and prosperity of people. --10 points Category 1 - 10
This economic indicator includes the monetary value of goods and services produced domestically and internationally. --20 points Category 1 - 20
These are the new indicators for the HDI. --30 points
Neoliberal development programs support the use of --40 points
The UN now uses this measure to assess gender disparities in development. --50 points
The first agricultural revolution involved the _______ of crops. – 10 points
This revolution led to the development of high- yield, input dependent seed varieties – 20 points
These two environmental problems are associated with commercial agriculture. – 30 points
The US government can direct support for farming specific commodity crops by providing… – 40 points
The shift characterized by a decline in the consumption of rice and an increase in meat and wheat based products is called. – 50 points
Jobs in this sector have to do with manufacturing. --10 points
For companies looking for new locations, labor costs and energy costs are examples of this type of factor – 20 points
Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan are examples of – 30 points
According to this theory, the resource geography of a place shapes its linkages. – 40 points
This type of production uses outsourcing, is consumer driven, and minimizes inventory – 50 points
The transfer of an internal or outsourced business from a domestic to international location is called – 10 points
A free trade zone is also called an – 20 points
These areas in China operate using free trade policies. – 30 points
The transition of manufacturing from MDCs to LDCs is referred to as the… – 40 points
These three factors cause deindustrializtion – 50 points
The goods and services provided by nature is referred to as – 10 points
This international organization unifies countries that supply much of global oil – 20 points
Nuclear energy is not considered renewable because – 30 points
This agreement is an international protocol meant to reduce greenhouse gases. – 40 points
These two resources are not identified in the book as at risk for running out, but we can consider them finite at the rate we’re using them. – 50 points