Peace and Conflict Transformation Program New approaches of intercultural and interfaith dialogue ORGANIZERS
“Henos aquí para transformar” Buenos Aires, 2016 “Here we are to transform” New York, 2017
Why a Peace and Conflict Transformation Program in Argentina?
¿Why a PCTP? Interfaith dialogue as a method: to think new ways to transform old and new conflicts. Young people as protagonists: train, connect and empower them is the key to change old patterns of confrontation into innovative coexistence approaches. Cultural diversity in Argentina: provides an optimal scenario to develop social experiences focused in peaceful conflict reconciliation. The leading role of civil society in 21st century: working with civil society young leaders are fundamental partners for those who participate in political decision-making
Program Features Main goal: generate a social and academic framework with young Argentinian leaders, in order to promote innovative projects of intercultural dialogue. First edition of the program: focus on Refugees. Inter-communitarian youth dialogue: designed for young leaders of Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities in Argentina. Constant Feedback: to give participants time and space for proactivity and innovation – cornerstone strategy. Target population: Young Community Leaders Argentinian citizens Leaders interested in capacity building and discussion with young people of other religions. Age range: 17-25 years old (flexible) 5
Stage 1 — Preliminary meetings Program Structure Stage 1 — Preliminary meetings Interdisciplinary workshops about conflict transformation and their adaptation to a Refugee context. Academic training with international experts in conflict transformation, including the Office of The Special Adviser on The Prevention of Genocide (UN)
Program Structure Stage 2 — Role Play Duration: 3 days Out of urban area. Role play: for implementation of trained skills. Recreational Instances: to promote social interpersonal relations between the participants (Playing for Change, Bridge Builders)
Stage 3 — Workshops and Final Publication Program Structure Stage 3 — Workshops and Final Publication Expected outcomes: reflective workshops and innovative proposals for further intercultural dialogue initiatives (grassroots level)
Calendar Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Stage 1 - Journey 1 Preparing the common ground – trust building. Refugees and their arrival to foreign comminutes. Journey 2 Interfaith and intercultural dialogue: methods for conflict transformation. Climate change and forced migration of people: “Laudato Sí” approach. Journey 3 Multi-track diplomacy and conflict transformation. Mediation: an approach from public sector. Journey 4 Stephen Covey - seven habits of highly effective people Journey 5 International Organizations and conflict transformation.
Stage 2 Day 1 Role-play: introduction and launching Recreational instance: Bridge Builders Day 2 Role-play: continue Recreational instance: Playing for Change Day 3 Role-play: end Back to reality: evaluation instance
Stage 3 Workshop 1 Back to the program valuation process. Brain storming exercises. Workshop 2 Stories and experiences highlights. Common reflections. Workshop 3 Common proposals for future actions. Final publication.
Peace and Conflict Transformation Program New approaches to Intercultural and interfaith dialogue