Základní škola T. G. Masaryka, Bojkovice, okres Uherské Hradiště NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola T. G. Masaryka, Bojkovice, okres Uherské Hradiště AUTOR: Mgr. Olga Rybnikářová NÁZEV: Easter TÉMATICKÝ CELEK: Receptivní řečové dovednosti ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.0882 1
EASTER, the most important event for all Christians, comes with the beginning of spring between March 22 and April 25.
If you come to Britain you can see eggs everywhere If you come to Britain you can see eggs everywhere. People do many different things to celebrate Easter. Some decorate eggs, others play “hunt the egg“ with them (some parents hide eggs for the kids at the house or in the garden and tell their children that the Easter bunny hides the eggs; the child who finds the most eggs is the winner).
There are also egg-rolling competitions There are also egg-rolling competitions. The first egg to the bottom of the hill (without breaking) wins.
On Good Friday people remember the day when Jesus died on the cross On Good Friday people remember the day when Jesus died on the cross. Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. There are no special events on Easter Monday.
In the Czech Republic the boys visit the girls In the Czech Republic the boys visit the girls. They whip them with plaited willow cane or spray them with perfume. The girls give them some money, sweets or painted Easter eggs.
Použitá literatura a zdroje informací: http://www.delawareanimals.com/Easter_6.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_BScaESXVdWI/Sd1M8oiQePI/AAAAAAAAANw/lBJgkNkfNgc/s320/easter+egg+hunt+2.gif http://angielskidlakazdego.blox.pl/resource/easter_egg_hunt.jpg http://s0.geograph.org.uk/photos/00/76/007643_3b0daa70.jpg http://eng.1september.ru/2002/14/3.jpg http://www.beruska8.cz/jpg/velikonoce/44.jpg