Science - Year 3/4A Autumn 2 Animals Including Humans Fit For Success Session 3 Answers PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.
This game is called “Five Lives” because each time you make a mistake you lose a life. Once you have lost all five of your lives, you are out. Some questions are easy and some are hard. Just give each question your best guess.
Each question has 2 possible answers: one on the left and one on the right. You must choose which you think is correct and stand on that side of the line. If you are wrong, you lose a life! Count the lives you have lost by holding up fingers in front of you. Hold up one finger for each life lost. If the whole class is out, then everyone is back in again! Let’s begin!
Humans are … Invertebrates Vertebrates
The word Vertebrate comes from the word vertebrae which means … Backbone or spine Pelvis or hips
An adult human skeleton has… 206 bones 106 bones
Bones are strong and … Light Heavy
Calcium in the diet helps keep bones strong and healthy Calcium in the diet helps keep bones strong and healthy. Calcium is found in… Proteins Dairy foods
The skeleton is a frame of bones that gives the body support The skeleton is a frame of bones that gives the body support. It also gives protection. The brain is protected by the … Skull Pelvis
The rib cage protects … The stomach and bowel The heart and lungs
Bones can be photographed using Xbox Imaging X-rays
The longest bone in the body is the thigh bone. Its real name is … The femur The tibia
The place where two bones meet is called a … Junction Joint
There are different types of joint in the body There are different types of joint in the body. The knee moves backwards and forwards. This type is called a … Hinge joint Bend joint
A ball and socket joint allows movement in every direction A ball and socket joint allows movement in every direction. This type of joint is found in … The shoulder and hip The elbow and wrist
So the skeleton is a frame of bones that gives the body support, protection and also … Momentum Movement
End of Game Congratulations to everyone still in!