Portugal, Algarve, Western Algarve Portugal, Algarve, Western Algarve Concelho de Aljezur Newsletter January 2017 Solidary Socio-economy Local-Regional Portugal, Algarve, Western Algarve Concelho de Aljezur Newsletter January 2017 Solidary Socio-economy Local-Regional Sectors for Partnership in the local-regional solidary socio-economy include: telecomunications, informatics, accounting, finance, printing, technical equipments, professional training consulting and coaching, import of products not locally producable, export, societal tourism, shared transports, real estate, ... Aljezur Monchique Vila do Bispo Portimão Lagos Local-regional socio-economy constitutes the savest solution for the protection of the region against inapropriate global transactions, to criate year-round jobs, quality of life, personal health, livable pensions, preservation of the environment, direct participation of citizens in the governance, reduction of public and private debt, lower cost of living, local conviviality technical training opportunities, physical activity, and practical applications of school disciplines. Equipamentos Jardinagem Lagos www.equipamentosjardinagem.pt Western Algarve Municipalities Sectors include **: Bio-Agro – Construction – Gardening – Health – Local Home Hosting Restaurants with local products – Local shared transport – Training in local socio-economy – Renewable energies – Time barter Traditional architecture – Crafts with local primary matter – Crafts with practical utility – Local artistic crafts – Production of local textile sources Home rental services - Repairing, sharing and renting technical equipment, ... How to integrate the solidary socio-economy network and have access to the many included advantages ? 1. Participate at the street and roads surveys ( see inside this flyer ) 2. For profissionals: sell as much as possible products of local-regional origin, employ preferentially local people and buy mostly at your local collegues 3. For private citizens: buy as much as possible local products **, directly with the producers **, at the local shops ** or through the new “LojaRegional” ( see inside ) 4. For schools, all levels: participate at research and study programs on local-regional socio-economy 5. For the tourist sector: promote and offer local products 6. For the media: proactivaly promote local products 7. For the authorities: facilitate at most local socio-economy by fiscal, administrative and logistic means. 8. For all: participate at the local-regional socio-economy events and programs The present flyer constitutes the first version of a Monthly Newsletter, to distribute in each postbox of Aljezur, and in extensive version, available online: societalsystem.com/aalj/newsletter/. See also: Interactive Globplex-Forum Aljezur English version of this flyer Version en français du présnt dépliant: Nederlandse versie van deze folder: http://www.societalsystem/com/aalj/ SocietalSystem ( StS ) Humanity’s Operating Complex www.societalsystem.com * URL: societalsystem.com/aalj/kdsa.aalj/ * Data: 11.01.2017 * contact@societalsystem.com © SocietalSystem ( StS ) ** = see online societalsystem.com/aalj/aasx.aalj/
Survey on Local-Regional Solidary Socio-economy Concelho de Aljezur Nome: ....................................... Idade: ............. País: ...................................... e-Mail: .............................................. Website: ........................................... Please, fill-in the form and send it to para contact@societalsystem.com or Rua da Cadeia Velha, 6, 8700 Aljezur 1. Information 3. Infrastructures 1.1 Interested in taking part at research-editing of the SocietalSystem-DataBank Aljezur ? As local correspondent, voluntarian, freelancer, cooperane, ... ? Odeceixe Pr. Odeceixe Maria Vinagre Zambujeira de Baixo Rogil Pr. Monte Clerigo Pr. Arrifana Aljezur Igreja Nova Alfambras Bordeira Carrapateira Pr. Amado Villarinha Vales Pr. Amoreira Estiveira Azia Corte de Sobro Carrascalinho Cabeça Calva Aldeia Nova Eirinhas Azenha Barranco da Vaca Valinhos Chabouça Monte Novo Monte dos Cairos Cabeços da Monte Ruivo Espinhaço de Cão Queimada Pr. Canal Pr. Bordeira Pr. Vale Figueiras Pr. Carreagem Pr. Vale dos Homens Pr. Adegas do Concelho Interested taking part as staff, freelancer, voluntarian, in one or more of the following structures, now in study, all in Aljezur ? 3.1 LojaRegional ( in the Centro Historico ) Local Agro-Products, Barters, Contacts, ... 3.2 Tecno-Oficina Local ( in the Centro Historico ) Repairing, re-utilizations, renting, sharing, ... 3.3 Centro Societal Algarve Oeste Coordenation of the Regional Socio-economy Holding 3.4 Bio-Agro Field Research, training, production for the LojaRegional, ... 3.5 Residencial Workshops Center In a tourist resort near Aljezur 3.6 Collaborative Agro-Turism Projects and Societal Training ( Plots of 34, 50, 75 e 40 ha and more ) 3.7 Settle now in Aljezur, to work or enjoy your pension in a natural, cultural and convivial region. 3.8 Commons Estate Property Network 1.2 Interested in connecting your site to the SocietalSystem-DataBank Aljezur ? Preliminary pictures from internet. 1.3 Interested in creating your Personal Own-Domain Site + Set ? Price: 15 € / year 2 GB + e-mail 2 Gb + 50 € website course. 2. Initiatives The whole Algarve yearly imports products, producable in the region, for hundreds of millions of euros. An immense potential of local socio-economy and thousands of year-round jobs. 2.1 Interested in a SocietalSystem Master Training Course, enabling you to * perform societal research, and editing of professional dossiers of local-regional projects * give societal courses, * coordinate local and regional solidary socio-economy entities or coach them ? * Real EstateSocietal Dynamization Projects * Culture and Tourism Points of Interest Algarve * Surfing Platform Algarve 5. Professional Services 5.1 Interested in creating your Professional Own-Domain Site + Set connected or not to the SocietalSystem ( StS ) Price: 15 € /year + 100€ Course Please indicate, for any locality: * Problems > solutions * Abandoned houses * Ruins to restore * Agro fields not exploited * Forest zones to clean * Lacking shops and public services * Local products producers * Farms with training facilities * other relevant topics > Extended Survey Form online societalsystem.com/aalj/. 5.3 Interested in connecting your Site in 3D to the SocietalSystem-DataBank Aljezur ? 5.3 Interested in turning your enterprise or association in a 21st ready e-rational entity ? 4. Private Serviçes 4.1 Interested in joining a Network of pre-ordered purchases of local products ? 5.3 Interested in Exporting your products and services ? 5.3 Interested in expand your tourist establishment with year-long and long term societal tourism initiatives ? 4.2 Interested in joining a Network of Time and Private Objects Exchange ? With use of themoney-free eGloco currency. Send your remarks, questions, suggestions, plans, maps and pictures to contact@societalsystem.com or rua da Cadeia Velha, 6, 8670 Aljezur. SocietalSystem ( StS ) Humanity’s Operating Complex www.societalsystem.com