Senate 101: Silver lining of Governance Debbie Weatherly 4CS President
Title 5-Section 51023.5(a) The governing Board shall adopt policies and procedures that provide district and college staff the opportunity to participate effectively in district and college governance.
EDUCATION CODE 70902(B) (7) The Board of Governors ensures staff, and students the opportunity to express their opinions at the campus level, to ensure that these opinions are given every reasonable consideration, to ensure the right to participate effectively in district and college governance.
Assembly bill 1725 Assures the right of faculty, staff and student to participate effectively in district and college governance and the right of academic senate to assume primary responsibility for making recommendations in the areas of curriculum and academic standards. ( 10+1)
SENATE DEFINED The very definition of a senate is a governing body , council , or assembly – this is why governance is our main objective. We may enjoy events and social functions (Networking). We do participate in fund raising and community outreach with noble ambitions, but do not be confused as to what our main goal and role is as a Senate.
Classified senates function Be time efficient/follow your agenda Don’t allow guest to take over the meeting Roberts Rule of Order Delegate responsibility Communication tools Follow your own policies and procedures that should be in place Have a summer planning day before sessions start in fall
collegiality is our goal Assuming you have a classified senate in place- how do you get taken seriously as a senate? Understanding your Role Be a Presence (attendance at committee meetings) Develop relationships (monthly meetings with those you need as allies) Be kind, and realize the learning curve ( no bull in china shop)
Grow as a leader A Good Leader will Share the Wealth of Knowledge with Senators and Constituents. Be Willing to Ask the Obvious ( Why do we do it this way) No, does not always mean no, (except in sexual harassment) there may be creative ways to accomplish what you need to do.
Other suggestions Not all information is factual that you receive -sometimes misinformation, educate yourself on the law, and the structure of your specific district. Revisit Policies and procedures of your district. Do your homework, learn acronyms early on, along with the process. Identify names of those in influential positions and introduce yourself, be confident and proud of who you represent! Attend social functions, especially if you have been specifically invited.
Increasing senate involvement Be an example Take advantage of orientation Have fun, be the sunshine PDA presentations Utilize the speakers bureau from 4CS
Planning ahead Succession planning without preconceived ideas Leadership and mentoring Be an encourager…you can lead a horse to water…. Recognize what specific issues are on your campus, and address them honestly for example workload issues….
Silver lining of governance Your classified professionals will flourish and grow with a strong classified senate You become the voice of classified and are heard by other leadership Others will respect what you are doing You accomplish your goals for classified Personal growth