« Connecting European chambers » European Parliament June 29th 2017 Christophe Bodin
▪ The voice of Early Stage Investors in Europe ▪ Not for profit organization based in Brussels ▪ Created in 1999 with the support of EU Commission ▪ Members in more than 53 countries in Europe and beyond ▪ 191 members and growing! Beyond Europe: Australia Malaysia Brazil New Zealand Canada Oman Jordan Singapore Kenya USA
EBAN members Business Angel Networks (BANs) Corporations Federations of Business Angel Networks Chambers of Commerce (non-investors) Early Stage/ Seed Funds Associate Members (Other entities involved in promoting the early stage investment market in Europe) Business Angels Business Accelerators E-funding & Crowdfunding Platforms
EBAN’s global network
Professio-nalisation Building the ecosystem Cross-Border Investment EBAN areas of activity Professio-nalisation Training Certification Professional standards Research Publications Benchmarking Best practices Building the ecosystem National & European Eco-System Support Position Papers Capacity Building Increase angel community International events Cross-Border Investment Networking Co-Investment & Syndication International agreements Explain what is a BA and what is a BAN
EBAN’s partners and ecosystem
European Early Stage Investment Early stage investment in 2016 9,8b€ 6,6b€ 2,5b€ 0,7 b€ European Early Stage Investment Business Angels ¹Early Stage VCs ²Equity Crowdfunding ¹ Invest Europe 2016 ² EU Commission - CrowdSurfer Dashboard, Cambridge report, SAID report
Market size by country (visible market) UK Spain Finland
EBAN involvement in EU policy EBAN has supported various initiatives in EU policy in order to foster early stage investment in Europe. Below are just a few example: E-zone and its policy paper Launch of the Startup Manifesto Launch of the Scale Up Manifesto Contribution to the EC Green Paper on the Capital Market Union The two compendiums EBAN produces every year on tax incentives and on co-investment are contributing to the overall understanding of the industry. These statistics are the only ones that exist and are used by the EC International MoUs with the International Chamber of Commerce and some stock-exchanges Explain what is a BA and what is a BAN
EU policy for early-stage investment EBAN has been supporting its members who have been applying to the EIF co-investment scheme (InnovFin): EstBAn got selected! Additionnally, EBAN is contributing globally to a creating a better policy environment for angel investment by coordinating various initiatives such as: Explain what is a BA and what is a BAN
EBAN past and present European projects EBAN is promoting investment readiness of entrepreneurs and SMEs in Europe EBAN members are benefiting from these initiatives thanks to the events (Venture Academies, Investor Fora) co-organised in the scope of these projects Explain what is a BA and what is a BAN
https://twitter.com/EBAN_org Contact EBAN Rue de la Science 14B Brussels +32 2 626 20 60 info@eban.org www.eban.org Explain what is a BA and what is a BAN https://twitter.com/EBAN_org https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1504347 EBAN Newsletter