What is SustEd? http://susted.blogspot.co.uk SustEd is a small enterprise, based in the middle of the UK specialising in consultancy, support and training on education for sustainable development. SustEd has a strong emphasis on learning outdoors, sustainable tourism, agriculture, resource efficiency and low carbon lifestyles. Its focus is on education and the three Ps - People, Prosperity and Planet. http://susted.blogspot.co.uk Adam Cade, Director Formerly Director of StudentForce for Sustainability, and Head of Education for Nature Conservancy Council/ English Nature (national government agency)
Who with? Who for? Most recent projects are multinational european projects. Recently worked with EU partners on Comenius Regio Partnership (Norway), Leonardo Partnership (Poland, Portugal, Spain), Leonardo Transfer of Innovation (Belgium, Poland, Spain, France), Leonardo Mobility (many), European Voluntary Service, Youth in Action, as well as Interreg (North Sea- facing countries) and Leader. Worked with UNESCO, UNEP, and range of national and local authorities and NGOs. Worked with schools, colleges, student/youth groups and Transition Town community groups.
What past projects? - last few yrs. Sustainable lifestyles guide (UNESCO/ UNEP) Greening colleges support and training Ethical finance game (EU Leonardo TOI) Eco-Schools review Forest Schools development Wetlands in spatial planning (EU Interreg North Sea) Education Adviser to Emirates Environmental, Group
What current projects? Education for sustainable communities (EU Study Visit) Guidance for sustainable, ethical lifestyle and career choices (EU Study Visit) WWOOF project development – E-learning for volunteers about organic farming (12 partners for EU Erasmus + KA2 bid) Vocational Education for Educators of Responsible Entrepreneurship (6 partners for EU Erasmus + KA2 bid)
What current projects? Vocational education on sustainable rural tourism (EU Leonardo Partnership) Outdoor learning and climate change (EU Comenius Regio) Learning in Transition Towns, with businesses, community groups, schools, vocational students Education and fruit trees (Stamford Community Orchard Group) WWOOF host to volunteers
Why work with Susted? Working with a UK partner Accessible location in middle of England Background in education for sustainable development, agriculture, nature conservation Good contacts in youth and vocational education Experienced in EU partnership projects Respected for networking and partnership approach
What challenges in vocational education? What need to follow? - from employers, future potential employment, and /or young entrepreneurs. How and where to include sustainable development? - in the campus, curriculum, and/or culture. How to educate learners? - with specific or general knowledge, skills and/or values. What future for employment in sustainable land and resource management? - declining, rising and/or changing.
What interests in future projects? Our focus is youth and adult education and vocational training that can give learners the skills and confidence to develop or work in a more sustainable, ethical and low-carbon way. Our approach is through participative partnerships with youth groups, businesses, community groups, schools and vocational learners. Adam Cade adam@susted.org.uk