Palm trees grow in warm climates Warm UP If possible, write the bi-conditional form of the statement below: Palm trees grow in warm climates
Homework and Warm up due Friday Announcements Test Thursday Homework and Warm up due Friday
Sherlock Holmes discovers that Mrs. Hudson was in the kitchen What can we conclude??? Sherlock Holmes knows that whoever was in the kitchen stole the tomatoes Sherlock Holmes discovers that Mrs. Hudson was in the kitchen What can he conclude?
Deductive Reasoning The process of using logic to get from what you know is true to new conclusions If the statements are true (what you know) what you conclude will also be true
Law of Detachment If a conditional statement its true, and its hypothesis is true, then its conclusion will be true as well.
If Mrs. Dixon is hungry then she is grumpy Mrs. Dixon is hungry Type One If Mrs. Dixon is hungry then she is grumpy Mrs. Dixon is hungry What can we conclude???
Law of syllogism Allows you to state one conclusion from 2 true conditional statements when the conclusion from one statement is the hypothesis from the other statement.
If it rains the flowers will grow Type Two If it rains the flowers will grow If the flowers grow Mrs. Dixon will be happy THEREFORE If it rains Mrs. Dixon will be __________
Biconditionals Worksheet Pg: 62-63 #’s 1-4 & 6-11 Homework Pg. 52-53 #’s 1-6, 8-12 Pg. 53-54 #13-17, 19-21 AND Create 1 conditional statements and their inverse, converse, and contrapositive Pg. 53-54 #’s 22-34 Biconditionals Worksheet Pg: 62-63 #’s 1-4 & 6-11