CLASSICAL CIVILIZATIONS Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________ Global Studies 9R Final Review CLASSICAL CIVILIZATIONS Background: This review is designed to examine the origin, rise and fall of the classical civilizations of India, China, Greece and Rome. You will examine the various cultural mechanisms that these societies used to reach their golden ages. Be sure to include… Influenced by the development of belief systems Strong, well-organized governments Developed ideas and technology that were important to later peoples Developed trade networks that enriched their economies and allowed them to exchange goods and technology Causes of decline include: Failure of leadership Overextension of administration Collapse of the economy Doubts over ideology Military defeat
CLASSICAL EMPIRES Classical Civilization Belief Systems Government / Methods of Rule Accomplishments Economics Reasons for Decline INDIA Include: Hinduism Buddhism Maurya Gupta Pillars of Indian Life CHINA 3 Schools of Chinese thought Zhou Han Silk Road
Government / Methods of Rule Accomplishments Economics Classical Civilization Belief Systems Government / Methods of Rule Accomplishments Economics Reasons for Decline GREECE Include: Geography Athens Sparta Democracy Philosophy Hellenistic Age ROME Early Republic Republic to Empire Roman Law Christ-ianity
Classical Civilization Themes Golden Ages Turning Points INDIA CHINA GREECE Include: Crisis of Late Antiquity ROME