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Presentation transcript:

Outcome: Geography & Early Republic Ancient Rome & The Origin of Christianity Outcome: Geography & Early Republic

Constructive Response Question Who were the earliest Romans and how did each contribute to the founding of Rome? Compare and contrast the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire using specific examples: What contributions did the Romans make to the cultural advancement of the world?

What will we learn? Origin & Geography of Rome The Earliest Romans (Latins, Greeks, & Etruscans) Early Roman Culture (The Roman Republic) The Punic Wars (Rome vs. Carthage)

WARM UP – September 27 Grab the guided notes and handout off the front table Find your name on the index cards on the desks Review for your quiz

QUIZ REVIEW The Ancient Athenians are credited with: (A) inventing and using the wheel (B) eliminating slavery (C) establishing governments that had democratic elements (D) inventing the printing press

2. The Ancient Greek city-state of Sparta: (A) Was primarily concerned with the health of their people (B) Was a powerful military state (C) Granted universal suffrage to their people (D) Placed great emphasis on literature and the arts

3. Which statement most likely represents the view of a citizen of ancient Athens visiting Sparta? (A) I've never been in a place where they worship one god (B) Sparta is so strict, people have little say in society (C) This society allows more freedom of expression (D) It is like I never left home  

4. What was one effect of Alexander the Great's conquests? (A) Decreased importance of the Silk Roads (B) Formation of the Christian church (C) Increased support of the Mayan leaders (D) Expansion of Hellenistic culture

5. An important factor that prevented the ancient Greek city-states from uniting to form a single nation was the (A) Lack of a common language (B) Size of the desert regions (C) Mountainous topography of the region (D) Cold, hostile climate

6. Which organization did the ancient Greeks form in order to protect themselves against foreign invasions after the Persian War? (A) The Peloponnesian League (B) The Republic (C) Sparta (D) The Delian League

7. The Peloponnesian War was fought between: (A) Two groups of Greek adversaries under the leadership of Athens and Sparta (B) Thebes and Corinth (C) Anatolian Greeks and peninsular Greeks (D) The Persian Empire and Athens

8. Which philosopher wrote about what he felt would be the perfect society in The Republic? (A) Socrates (B) Plato (C) Aristotle (D) Pericles

9. Which of the following was NOT one of Pericles goals as leader of Athens: (A) Glorify Athens (B) Strengthen democracy (C) Strengthen the empire of Greece (D) Defeat Persia in the Persian Wars and expand Greece’s influence

10. If you were to walk around school asking students questions in order to find out what students thought about education, you would be using the: (A) Scientific method (B) Socratic method (C) Aristotle’s philosophical method of arguing (D) Polis method

11. One major difference between a direct democracy and a representative democracy is in a representative democracy: (A) Citizens vote directly for laws (B) Citizens vote for a president to make laws (C) Citizens vote for representatives to make laws (D) Male citizens directly make laws

12. One way that Pericles attempted to glorify Athens was: (A) By conquering Sparta (B) By conquering Persia (C) By building a temple called the Parthenon (D) By spreading Hellenistic culture

13. One of the primary reasons for Athens’ defeat in the Peloponnesian War was: (A) Athens strong army could not defeat Sparta’s strong navy (B) A plague destroyed most of Athens’ population including their leader Pericles (C) Sparta was located near water making it hard to defeat (D) Athens’ military was struggling to recover following the long Persian Wars

14. Which of the following was the initial reason that Phillip II invaded Greece? (A) He wanted to conquer Greece (B) He wanted to destroy Greece (C) He wanted to be accepted by Greece and be a part of it (D) He wanted to spread Macedonian culture

15. The period from 477 to 431 BC where Athens experienced a growth in intellectual and artistic learning is known as Athens’: (A) Golden Age (B) Empire (C) Agora (D) Parthenon

16. Greek play that contains slapstick situations and humor often making fun of politicians and respected people 17. Greek play that contains serious drama about common themes such as love, hate, war, and betrayal 18. Rule by one person, usually a king 19. Rule by a few powerful people

20. Form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives 21. Leader of Athens during the Persian Wars that decided to fight the Persians at sea 22. Civilization located north of Greece led by Phillip II

23. Alexander the Great’s culture that combined elements of Egyptian, Greek, and Indian influences 24. Rectangle military formation where men are lined up shoulder to shoulder; used by Phillip II and Alexander the Great 25. Term that means “lovers of wisdom”

Geography & Early Republic Setting the Stage With the defeat of the Persians by Alexander and the eventual decline of the Greek Civilization, power would eventually shift west towards the Italian peninsula The Romans would build an amazing empire filled with many different cultures and help spawn a brand new religion: Christianity

Geography & Early Republic Origins of Rome Legend says that twins Romulus and Remus were abandoned on the Tiber River and raised by a she-wolf Later the two boys decided to build a city Eventually Romulus kills Remus & city of Rome is named after Romulus

Geography & Early Republic Rome was built on 7 rolling hills of Tiber River Located on Italian Peninsula (Italy) Bordered by Adriatic Sea to the east Near midpoint of Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean Climate: warm year round- encouraged outdoor activities

Geography & Early Republic The First Romans Three groups settled on Italian Peninsula from 1000-500 B.C. The Latins Built original settlement of wooden huts Considered to be the first Romans Helped spread Latin derived languages to the area

Geography & Early Republic The Greeks Moved north into Italy during decline of Hellenistic Culture Settled in Southern Italy and Sicily Brought all of Italy, including Rome, into contact with the Greek civilization Brought architecture, democracy, and philosophy

Geography & Early Republic The Etruscans Skilled metal workers native to northern Italy Strongly influenced Roman civilization Influenced Roman arch Influenced Roman lust for killing (ex. Gladiator battles)

WARM UP/REVIEW – 9/24 ANCIENT ROME REVIEW 1. Describe the geography of Rome, how was it similar to Greece? 2. How did the Latins and Greeks influence Roman culture?

Geography & Early Republic *Early Rome * Early Etruscan kings and successors built temples and public centers in Rome * The Forum was the heart of the Roman political life * Romans established a republic, which meant “public affairs” * A republic is a form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders * In Rome, citizenship with voting rights was granted only to free-born male citizens

The Roman Forum

Roman Forum Ruins

Geography & Early Republic People of Rome * Rome was divided up into several different groups who struggled for power * Patricians: wealthy landowners who held most of the power * Plebeians: the common farmers, artisans, and merchants; majority of population

Geography & Early Republic * Tribunes: elected representatives who protected the rights of the plebeians from patrician officials

Geography & Early Republic * Consuls: two officials with limited power and one year terms; one controlled the army the other directed the government * Dictator: in times of crisis, the republic could appoint a leader with absolute power to make laws and control the army; power lasted for 6 months * Legions: military units made up of 5,000 soldiers

Geography & Early Republic Roman Power Expands * Steadily the Romans conquered the Italian Peninsula * As Rome conquered lands, people were absorbed into their ever growing territory * Some people were accepted as citizens, others simply became allies * Rome went to war against Carthage; a powerful city in North Africa * The struggle became known as the Punic Wars (264-146 B.C.)

The Punic Wars

Geography & Early Republic Carthage was led by a brilliant general named Hannibal Hannibal assembled an army of 50,000 infantry, 9,000 cavalry, and 60 elephants intent on capturing Rome He led his troops up through Spain and crossed the Alps into Italy

Hannibal Crossing the Alps

Geography & Early Republic The Romans regrouped and prevented Hannibal from sacking Rome Rome defeated Hannibal in 202 B.C. near Zama Rome eventually defeated Carthage in the third Punic War extending its power across the Mediterranean Sea

Geography & Early Republic Rome’s territory and power would only get bigger and stronger…

Constructive Response Question Who were the earliest Romans and how did each contribute to the founding of Rome? Compare and contrast the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire using specific examples: What contributions did the Romans make to the cultural advancement of the world?