Professor Joseph A. Camilleri Religion in Today’s World: 2007 Lecture Series Professor Joseph A. Camilleri Religion in Today’s World: “The Revenge of God?”
The Revenge of God? World’s Major Religions Religion 1970 2000 2025 % of world population Christians 34 33 33 Muslims 15 20 23 Hindus 13 13 13 Buddhists 6 6 5 Other religions 4 6 7 Non religious 26 22 19 World population (millions) 3,696 6,055 7,824
The Islam Project
The Revenge of God The Islam Project
The Revenge of God?
The Revenge of God?
The Revenge of God? DEFINING RELIGION System of beliefs and behaviour based on system of symbols and meaning (Geertz) Multidimensional phenomenon Institutional (organisation and leadership) Narrative (myths, creation stories, worldview) Ritual (rites of passage, celebration) Ethical (moral rules) Experiential (experiencing the spiritual dimension of life)
The Revenge of God? DEFINING RELIGION Social functions What role does religion play in society? Domain of the “extraordinary” What is the relationship between the natural and the supernatural? Domain of the “sacred” Realm of existence that calls for empathy, respect, reverence
Religion: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution? The Revenge of God? Religion: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?
Religion: Cause of conflict or Basis for Dialogue? The Revenge of God? Religion: Cause of conflict or Basis for Dialogue?
The Revenge of God? Key Questions of Dialogue Why dialogue? Who participates? What are the underlying principles? What are the possibilities?
The Revenge of God? Key Principles of Dialogue: Search for truth Listening as well as speaking Journey = discovery of ‘other’ & ‘self’ Valuing of commonalities But also valuing of differences Sharing the memory of the past Acknowledging / experiencing pain of the ‘other’ = key to healing /reconciliation Legitimate & humane governance
Professor Joseph A. Camilleri Religion in Today’s World: 2007 Lecture Series Professor Joseph A. Camilleri Religion in Today’s World: “The Revenge of God?”