Block Diagram Transmitter Receiver × 2 Transmitter Power Supply ADC Analog Channels from Receiver (Left & Right Rear) Transmitter Transmitter Power Supply (Eenas) ADC (Ayo) IR Transmitter (Kevin) Analog Digital Infrared Receiver × 2 Receiver Power Supply (Rick) Amplifier (Brian) DAC (Ayo) IR Receiver (Kevin) Analog Digital Analog Channel to Speaker
Transmitter Power Supply Block Description Is an electrical device that transforms the standard wall outlet electricity (AC) into the lower voltages (DC). Will supply voltage to both the Analog to Digital converter (ADC) and the Infrared transmitter (IR Transmitter). Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Block Level Performance Requirements * User Indicators and Displays: - Indicator Parameter : Power on LED. - Indicator Color and Type : Red LED. - Indicator Viewing Environment: bright light, full darkness. * Operation Modes: - Power Mode: ON, OFF. - Functional Mode: Normal. * Electrical Interfaces: Signal Type: Analog. Signal Direction: Input, Output. Input Voltage Range: 103 – 132 volts (AC). Input Frequency Range: 57 – 63 Hz. Output Voltage Range: 5, +12, -12 volts (DC). Output Current max. : 400 mA Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Block Level Standard Requirements * Environmental: Operating Temperature Range: 10 – 40 oC Storage Temperature Range: 10 – 40 oC Operating Humidity Range: 2 – 98 %Rh Storage Humidity Range: 2 – 98 %Rh. Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Transmitter Power Supply Block Signals Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Over-voltage Protection will be considered in this design Transmitter Power Supply Design Voltage Regulator (DC/DC) +5 Volts 120 volts AC Isolation Rectifier AC/DC Conversion Output Input Voltage Regulator (DC/DC) Isolation Rectifier AC/DC Conversion +15 Volts Over-voltage Protection will be considered in this design Negative Voltage Regulator (DC/DC) -15 Volts Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Block Architecture Transformer: 1 primary and 2 Secondary. Unless Otherwise advised!! Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Applicable Worst Case Analysis Plan Sub Circuit Type Applicable Worst Case Analysis Plan Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 5VDC Regulator R, L & C Tol R, L & C Specs Over Current Protect V vs I Regulation Power Semi J Temp Power Semi Package Input Voltage Range 15VDC -15VDC Xfmr Diode Bridge Over Current Protect Power Semi J Temp Power Semi Package Input Voltage Range C Tol C Specs Output Voltage Ripple Resistors Nominal Value/ Max value Tolerance Around Nominal Derated Power Capacity Maximum Working Voltage Maximum Constant Current Maximum Surge Current Composition Dielectric or Form Capacitors Q Factor or Frequency Variation Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Key Component Selection Type Quantity Power Rating Tolerance Voltage Resistors Film Carbon 6 0.25 Watts 5% Capacitors Tantalum Electrolytic 3 20% 25V 35V Diodes Power 4 Transformers Center-tapped Step Down 1 Voltage Regulators 3-Terminal Adjustable Positive/ 2 Negative/1 Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Selected transformer : 115 volts at 50/60 Hz with a series connection of 56V C.T @ 2A. Output DC voltage and current after rectification To Find the filter capacitor value: Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Finding the resistance values are according to the following equation: For the negative voltage. The adjustable current could be neglected because it’s so small ( in Micro Amps). Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Resistance ratios: +5 volts DC: R2/R1 = 3. +15 volts DC: R4/R3 = 11. R6 is selected to be 120 Ω: -15 volts DC: R5 = 11 X 120Ω = 1.32 kΩ . Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Component Selection Components Symbol Value Resistors R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 2.2kΩ 6.8kΩ 2kΩ 22kΩ 180Ω Capacitors C C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 6800uF ( 1.0 uF (tantalum) 10 uF (alum electrolytic) 1.0 uF ( tantalum) 10 uF (Alumelectrolytic) 1.0 uF ( Tantalum) 10 uF (aluminum Elec) Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Bill of Materials
Device Package Prototype: For the LM137/LM337 Product: PCB Mount -To-263 Package. For the LM117/LM317A/LM317 -To-220 Package. Product: PCB Mount Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Block Prototyping Plan Name Block Area (cm2) Total PCB Area (cm2) PCB Substrate Type Comp Attachment Socketed Components Types of Connectors Transmitter Power Supply 155 195 Outsourced Direct Solder N/A IEC320 Cable IEC320 Off Board Connector Block Owner: Eenas Omari
Task-Resource Estimate Summary Total hours: 282.5. Which includes: * Project definition and system design phases. * Verification, integration and productization phase. * Validation and presentation “final phase”. Total cost of $71 (Which includes PCB board). Block Owner: Eenas Omari