Agenda, Jan. 28, 2011 Periods 4 & 5, stamp page 9 of the Workbook. Periods 5 & 7, complete the Think-Pair-Share from Jan. 27. All periods Quick-write and Think-Pair-Share, Jan. 28. Who is Sonia Sotomayor? Multiple Intelligences/Learning Styles Pie Chart, re-create in your Notebook. Multiple Intelligences Survey. Guidebook, Workbook, & Notebook assignments.
Think-Pair-Share, originally scheduled for Wednesday. Why are the 7 Factors of High Achieving Students important to you and other high school students. Answer this in your Notebook. In case you think the 7 Factors of High Achieving Students are not important for you, then how could they be important to other students.
Lesson 7 in the Workbook, page 9 Complete the Reflective Essay found on this page. You must use all of the ideas mentioned in this chapter from Guidebook pages 3-9. The Guidebook has presented enough information for you to write an essay that fits in the entire space. Remember to include in your essay an introduction, body, & conclusion. Your response must respond to the questions found in the second sentence of the prompt.
1/28/2011 Quick-write & Think-Pair Think-Pair Share “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt, Former First Lady “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney Everyone faces obstacles and adversity. However teenagers here are likely to give up when they face adversity. What you must explain if whether our teenagers should give up & why do they do it.
What is Your Learning Style? Since we are all different we all learn differently. Lets learn how we all learn. Draw the Learn Style Pie Chart. I will ask you what is your learning style, and give you examples of assignments for each learning style…make sure you write down your results in your notebook.
Multiple Intelligences Survey Instructions; This survey will help you determine which multiple intelligence/learning style is best for you. If you identify or agree with each statement write a #1 in the space provided. When you finish count up the totals for each section.
Guidebook, Workbook, & Assignments. Guidebook pages 11-12. Read them and underline or high light the main ideas. Workbook pages Page 15, Study Smarter Page 18, Support Page Notebook assignment Use your notebook to plan a motivation poster of the ideas found on pages 11-12 of the Guidebook. Consider being artistic and motivational.