Welcome to Parent’s Night 2014 World History Mr. Fusco’s Class
A Little About Me… Teacher and Teacher Aide at Tyngsboro Middle School for 7 years 8th Year at NVTHS History Teacher and Athletic Director
Classroom Plan Rules/Consequences are posted in class and can also be found in the Classroom Expectations information given out the 1st day If you need a new one or have any questions please let me know Students are expected to show respect for the learning atmosphere and fellow classmates Students are expected to come to class on time and prepared. Homework must be handed in the day it is due or students will be expected to stay after school to complete it
Typical classroom Activities PowerPoint notes/ lecture Classroom discussions and debates on issues Independent work from the text and/or supplemented readings Journal prompts, open-response questions Streaming video clips Cooperative learning Graphic organizers, idea webs Visual or video review quizzes Online, technology-oriented research
Grading System Grades are given based on all class work, homework, participation, quizzes and tests Participation 20% Class work and Journal Entries 20% Homework 20% Quizzes 15% Tests 25%
Curriculum Significant historical events are examined using the “Facing History and Ourselves” model. We begin our studies of World History learning about the idea of “Identity” Who am I? Where do I come from? What choices have affected my identity? We will then look at what may have influenced choices that people made throughout history.
Curriculum continued We will examine the dangers that are inherent within the “we and they” mentality. We will look at specific instances of mass discrimination throughout history including: The fate of American Indians as they were forced to change their identity and move from their land; The rise of Nazi Germany during and after WWI. How Hitler came into power and his role in WWII. How and why did Hitler target the Jewish people What were the causes and effects of the Holocaust Key events during the Civil Rights Movement. We will examine the genocides in Darfur, Rwanda and Cambodia. Lastly we will study the Middle East and how it has historically been an area plagued by terrorism and hatred and how the conflicts that still rage within this area affect the entire world.
Do Not Hesitate To Contact Me If….. You have any questions/concerns You need an update of your child’s progress Your child is expressing concerns
Contact Information My email is dfusco@nashoba.tec.ma.us Phone 978-692-4711 ext 4152 or 2201 Instructions to my website: 1. Go to www.nashobatech.net 2. Click the “Teachers” under the Parents tab 3. Select Mr. Fusco