ECMT Quality Charter National Implementation in the SEE Region


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Presentation transcript:

ECMT Quality Charter National Implementation in the SEE Region 8 June 2017 Skopje

ECMT Multilateral Quota Challenges

State of Play – Implementation of the ECMT Quality Charter EU/EEA /CH: ITF approved 25 countries as Charter compatible Approval of 4 further countries is planned at the October Group meeting (2017) Application of Hungary is pending    SEE: All countries submitted “shadow” applications, subject to further revisions, to reflect on-going regulatory changes in national legislation and professional capacity building Other non-EU ECMT: All countries submitted “shadow” applications, subject to further revisions, to reflect on-going regulatory changes in national legislation and professional capacity building Backlog in the Charter implementation in Armenia requires special attention From our participation in the ITF Sub-Group on the implementation of ECMT QC, we can witness some stagnation in the implementation of the ECMT QC, notably due to the lack of incentives. Since there is no penalty foreseen for non-compliance with the requirements of the Charter (including professional competence), some countries demonstrate a rather complacent approach. The current situation is as following…. EU/EEA /CH: •        25 countries were approved as Charter compatible •        Approval of four further countries is planned at the October Group meeting (2017) •        Application of Hungary is pending  SEE: •     All countries submitted “shadow” applications, subject to further revisions, to reflect on-gong regulatory changes in national legislation and professional capacity building    Other non-EU ECMT: •     All countries submitted “shadow” applications, subject to further revisions, to reflect on-gong regulatory changes in national legislation and professional capacity building •       Backlog in the Charter implementation in Armenia requires special attention

SEE Implementation Status Analysis of ECMT member countries’ applications (AL, BiH, ME, MK, RS) to highlight the gaps in coordination with ATIs Coordination with ITF Secretariat on results of the analysis ITF Secretariat (ECMT WG) follow-up on SEE ECMT member countries’ applications and support national competent authorities in need to ensure compliance by opportunities for cooperation with IRU Academy and ATIs Revision of professional qualification (e.g. IRU Academy suggested ITF organising extraordinary session requiring demonstration of countries’ training capacity planned for 4-5 July) Assistance in the establishment of public-private partnership to set up professional qualification (upon request from national partners) From the beginning of this project the IRU Academy assisted its partners in cooperation with NCAs through the LoI in those countries where capacity to deliver professional qualification requirements was already established through IRU Academy ATIs and where member associations wished to be proactively engaged with NACs to be considered by them as main partners in the implementation of the QC. Such LoIs were already signed in Moldova and Ukraine and is under revision in Belarus. In the course of the analysis of countries’ reports and improvements in the development of national legislation we were concerned by the lack of harmonisation in the organisation of road transport professional qualification (notably the process of authorisation of national training institutions and regulations regarding examination). To address this issue, the IRU Academy presented its system of assessment of compliance of training institutions with the IRU Academy standards and suggested ITF to organise an extraordinary Sub Group session requiring demonstration of countries’ training capacity, to ensure that it is based on transparent and clear qualitative criteria. We believe that this inquiry will convey more countries to establish private – public partnership: pooling the expertise, resources and capacity of the public and private sectors.

SEE Implementation Status CPC Manager CPC Driver The IRU Academy reviewed all SEE ECMT member countries (AL, BiH, ME, MK, RS) applications provided to ITF The analysis was coordinated with the ATIs, as a result of which the gaps in implementation were identified The results of the analysis were communicated to the ITF Secretariat for follow-up action on the ECMT WG / SG level

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How to Easily Ensure Compliance?

Facilitating Compliance E S T O N I A L A T V I A L I T H U A N I A B E L A R U S P O L A N D S L O V A K I A U K R A I N E M O L D O V A R O M A N I A H U N G A R Y B U L G A R I A T U R K E Y G R E E C E A Z E R B A I J A N G E O R G I A ARMENIA T U R K M E N I S T A N U Z B E K I S T A N T A J I K I S T A N K I R G I S T A N K A Z A K H S T A N R U S S I A N F E D E R A T I O N F I N L A N D Russian Fed. A F G H A N I S T A N I R A N S Y R I A N A R A B P E O P L E ‘ S R E P U B L I C O F C H I N A CYPRUS A Z E R B. S W E D E N N O R W A Y D E N M A R K G E R M A N Y NETHERLANDS B E L G I U M U N I T E D I R E L A N D S P A I N PORTUGAL I T A L Y S W I T Z E R L A N D A U S T R I A K I N G D O M L U X . SLOVENIA C R O A T I A BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA ALBANIA MKD F R A N C E M O R O C C O T U N I S I A C Z E C H R E P U B L I C R E P U B L I C L E B A N O N I S R A E L J O R D A N SERBIA MNE Albania CPC Driver Certificates CPC Manager Diplomas Czech Republic Moldova MoU / LoI Ukraine Georgia You will learn more about the IRU Academy eXaminer solution during the afternoon session