“Listening and Speaking with the CCRS”


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Presentation transcript:

“Listening and Speaking with the CCRS” MACAE Conference October 16-18, 2016 Presented by: Michigan ESL Professional Advisory Committee

ESL Professional Advisory Committee The Michigan ESL Professional Advisory Committee seeks to provide ESL adult educators with the greater sense of cohesiveness through a forum for discussion and education. We strive to increase awareness of ESL adult education as well as awareness of the larger community and issues relating to ESL.  The committee provides a resource for sharing of ideas, information and state requirements.  We also provide educational opportunities for professional development.   Our goal is to help programs provide the best ESL services to Michigan! Look us up at www.eslpac.weebly.com

WIOA Requirements WIOA Title II Sec. 201 Purpose The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) aims to increase access to and opportunities for employment, education, training, and support services, particularly for individuals with the greatest barriers to employment that includes College and Career Readiness Standards. Greater stress for ELLs to move into Career Pathways. Program of instruction to help ELLs achieve competence in: Reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension of the English language, Program of instruction must lead to attainment of: A secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent; Transition to postsecondary education, training, or Employment.

WIOA and CCRS CCRS is the required Standards in Adult Education. CCRS will help in: Allowing students to be successful in post- secondary/training. Targeting higher level thinking skills and technical reading (a necessary component with employability skills). Utilizing contextual materials to aid in Career Pathways.

Listening and Speaking in the CCRS standards CCRS can be found at: https://lincs.ed.gov/publications/pdf/CCRSt andardsAdultEd.pdf Use the CCRS when planning your curriculum. Easy to read and you do it already! ESLPAC working on lessons, materials and ideas for supporting you.

What’s in and What’s Out! Focusing on the complexity of what students can read Focusing only on what students can do with what they read (skills) Texts worthy of close attention Reading any ‘ol text Emphasizing informational texts Emphasizing narratives Mostly text-dependent questions Collection of unrelated texts Coherent sequences of texts Mostly text-to-self questions Writing evidence-based analyses Writing personal narratives Accent on academic vocabulary Accent on literacy terminology Emphasis on reading & re-reading Emphasis on pre-reading strategies Emphasis on particular content (US Founding Documents) Content-free Student supports (pre-mediation Student supports (only re-mediation) Provided by Susan Pimentel

Anchors and Placement Program ESL & ABE ESL &ABE ABE Adult Secondary CASAS Score 0-200 201-210 211-220 221-235 CASAS-236-245 CASAS 246+ NRS Level ESL Beginning to High Beginning Low Intermediate to High Intermediate Advanced   TABE Score (Not TABE-e) Reading: 0-367 Reading: 368-460 Reading: 518-566 Reading: 567-595 Reading: 596+ NRS Level TABE Beginning ABE Literacy Beginning Basic Education to Low Intermediate Low Adult Secondary High Adult Secondary Anchors/Grade Level A/K-1 B/2-3 C/4-5 D/6-8 E/9-10 E/11-12

How can you incorporate it? Lesson plan template Syllabus Remember that CCRS are standards. It does not mean you have to do it in a certain order. It is not lesson plans, just competencies/goals.

Listening and Speaking Activity Select a CASAS score Select one of the 6 anchors and a level Create a lesson-one using contextualized materials relating to employment. Sharing