AIM P2 – to be able to describe extrinsic and intrinsic risk factors in relation to sports injuries. M1 – Explain how these risk factors can be minimised by utilisation of preventative measures.
EXTRINSIC RISK Is something external to the body that can cause an injury. These include: Inappropriate coaching Incorrect technique Environmental conditions Equipment/clothing/footwear Crowd/other players
TASK 1 Fill in worksheet 1 question 1 Swop with the person sat next to you and see if they have the same answer. Use the Add for any extra notes found on your peers sheet. Is the spelling correct? Complete questions 2 and 3 using the same process.
INTRINSIC RISK FACTORS A physical aspect of the athlete’s body that can cause an injury. These include: Overuse Poor technique Postural defects Muscle imbalance Inadequate warm-up
TASK 2 Fill in worksheet 2 question 1 Swop with the person sat next to you and see if they have the same answer. Use the Add for any extra notes found on your peers sheet. Is the spelling correct? Complete questions 2 and 3 using the same process.
LINK RISK/PREVENTION Looking at the factor's discussed last week with regards to injury prevention: What factor would help minimise the risks given in both worksheets 1 and 2? Discuss and complete the measures that can be adopted to reduce the risk factor identified.
TASK 3 INJURY EXTRINSIC FACTOR INTRINSIC Prevention ???????? Concussion Slipped on wet floor ???????? Ankle strain Poor warm-up Pulled Hamstring Muscle imbalance
CONCLUSION The coach should know how to handle the external factors and should have knowledge enough to recognise possible internal factors, apply First Aid when necessary and make appropriate referrals.
RECAP Can you now describe extrinsic and intrinsic risk factors in relation to sports injuries? Can you explain how these risk factors can be minimised by utilisation of preventative measures?