Objective – Teach players various techniques through fun activities TCYSA MOD COACHING CLINIC: PLAYGROUND GAMES Objective – Teach players various techniques through fun activities 1. Burn Out Activity Time: 1 min Recovery Time: 30 sec Duration: 12 min Intervals: 6 (followed by ABC movements) Organization: Set up 2 zones 3 yards deep and 10 yards apart. Players line up across from each other and pass the ball into their partners zone. If the receiving players first touch goes out of the zone the passing player gets a point. Rotate partners after each interval. Coaching Points: Teach players to lock their ankle (heel down, toe up). Teach players to cushion the ball as they receive it. Guided Question: Why do you want the ball close to you after you receive it? 2. Keep Away Activity Time: 1 min Recovery Time: 30 sec Duration: 12 min Intervals: 8 Organization: Set up 5x5 boxes and place players into groups of 4. 1 player is in the middle and the other 3 pass in the box. If the defending player wins the ball they try to dribble out of the box. Coaching Points: Teach players to open their bodies so they can see the whole field. Teach players to take their 1st touch away from pressure. Guided Question: Do you want to pass back to where the defender is or away from the defender? 1. Bring it Back Activity Time: 1 min Recovery Time: 1 min (juggling) Duration: 13 min Intervals: 5 (followed by ABC movements) Organization: Each player has a ball and hands it to the coach. The coach plays the ball out and gives a directive on how to bring the ball back (outside of right foot, outside of left foot, alternating feet, sole of the foot). Coaching Points: Teach players to get to the ball as quickly as possible. Teach players to look behind them when running to the ball. Guided Question: How can you know where the coach will be when you are running to get the ball? 2. Get it Back Activity Time: 1 min Recovery Time: 1 min (2 touch passing) Duration: 12 min Intervals: 6 Organization: Set up gates 3 yards wide and 5 yards long. Player that starts with the ball passes to the opposing player and then sprints to defend. Players score by dribbling through the opposing gate. After 1 min players pass back and forth for a 1 min and then switch the player serving the ball. Coaching Points: Teach players to sprint toward attacking player. Teach players to stop 1 arms length away from attacking player in an athletic stance. Guided Question: What can happen when we don’t slow down before we get to the player?
Objective – Teach players various techniques through fun activities TCYSA MOD COACHING CLINIC: PLAYGROUND GAMES Objective – Teach players various techniques through fun activities 2. Gate Passing Tag Activity Time: 1 min Recovery Time: 1 min (2 touch passing) Duration: 8 min Intervals: 4 Organization: Set up numerous gates in random order. Each player has a partner and each pair has a ball. Players try to pass through as many gates as possible in 1 min. After passing through a gate they go to a new gate. Add a tagger who has to tag the player with the ball Coaching Points: Teach players to make eye contact before passing. Teach players to keep their body over the ball. Guided Question: When you lean back before you pass where does the ball go? What can you do with your body to keep the ball down? 1. Laser Tag Activity Time: 2 min or everyone has ball Recovery Time: 1 min (juggling) Duration: 15 min Intervals: 4 (followed by ABCs) Organization: Set up a playing grid with cones. Line up extra balls around the grid. 1 player starts with a ball and tries to hit another player below the knees. When a player gets hit they get a ball from outside the grid and try to hit other players with out a ball. Coaching Points: Teach players to put their plant foot next to the ball when passing. Teach players to lock their ankle when passing. Guided Question: Where should your plant foot point when passing at a player? 1. Look out for Coach! Activity Time: 1 min Recovery Time: 30 sec (juggling) Duration: 10 min Intervals: 4 (followed by ABC movements) Organization: Set up a playing field with cones. Each players has a ball and dribbles while the coach tries to poke the ball away. Coaching Points: Teach players to dribble with the outside of foot (pinky toe). Teach players to scan the field and dribble to open space. Guided Question: What part of the foot do we use to dribble the fastest? 2. Playground Tag Activity Time: 1 min Recovery Time: 1 min (juggling) Duration: 12 min Intervals: 6 Organization: Designate two taggers and place in bibs. All players have a ball except for the tagger. When a player is tagged they have to dribble to the coach and give them a high five to continue. Rotate coaching position for players to scan field. Coaching Points: Teach players to dribble with head up. Teach players to turn away from the tagger with outside of foot and dribble to open space. Guided Question: What’s a way that you can get away from a tagger?