Introduction to SCIENCE
A. What is Science? Science is a way of gaining knowledge and understanding of our natural world. Science studies the things we can feel, see, hear, smell, and taste to the smallest detail. Science is: Observation Identification Description Experimental investigation Theoretical explanation of natural phenomenon
B. What is Technology? With the increase of knowledge and understanding through science, inventions can be used to improve the quality of our lives. This improvement is called technology. e.g. The discovery of the wheel led to new technology in the form of simple carts. e.g. The scientific discovery that a compound called penicillin killed bacteria led to the development of new medicines.
C. Why study Science? Reason 1. Studying the complexity and beauty of nature helps us appreciate and praise God our Creator
We have been called to fulfill a four-fold task: Reason 2. We are stewards, caretakers of this planet. To do our job the best we can, we need to understand as much as possible about the earth. We have been called to fulfill a four-fold task: Replenish the earth (Gen. 1:28) Subdue the earth (Gen 1:28) Dress, till, and keep the earth (Gen 2:15) Have dominion over every living thing (Gen 1:28)
Reason 3. We are surrounded by products of modern technology. We live in an age of science. As citizens, we are asked to make many decisions that need a scientific background.
Reason 4. Many jobs / careers today require science.
Reason 5. Many hobbies, sports, and recreational activities involve science.
Reason 6. Science is a very organized approach to learning new things about Creation; it involves asking the right kinds of questions and finding the answers to them. Learning to ask questions and to seek answers are skills that will help you become a better thinker.