The Job Market for Data Professionals Robert R. Downs1 1 NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), The Earth Institute, Columbia University SciDataCon 2016 Denver, CO 11-13 September 2016 Session: Defining Data Professionals Monday 12 September 2016, 16:00 – 17:30 Copyright 2016, Robert R. Downs.
Number of Current Job Postings for Job Titles Average Salaries in US Dollars for Titles in Advertised Job Postings *The analyses were conducted on information obtained from one job posting and search website, as of May 30, 2016, for job titles recommended for the search term “Data “, followed by an alphabetic character, limiting generalization of the findings, since competing websites, including those that focus on a particular segment of the job market, are not represented in the analysis.