Meet the Prophet Moses
What does hi name mean? Moses means: “Child” in Egyptian “Drawn out” in Hebrew
Where did he live? First in Egypt Then in Midian Later, returned to Egypt After leaving Egypt, he led the Israelites through the wilderness
When did this prophet live & Who were the kings of his time? Moses lived around 1300 BC The king was Pharaoh of Egypt
What did this person do before becoming a prophet? Moses was a shepherd for his father-in-law Jethro in the land of Midian.
To whom did this prophet speak? First only to Pharaoh Later to all of God’s people
What was the main message of this prophet? He interpreted what was happening and gave details about the consequences that would take place if the people did not change.
How did people respond to the message? Pharaoh refused to listen until after the final plague The Hebrews were often unfaithful. Moses sometimes had to act as an intermediary.
What did Moses say that might be important for us today? We should follow God’s call regardless of the opinions of others around us or our government Any other thoughts…
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