1012哥和姐就是愛嗑書(一) 地點:元智圖書館研討室 時間:2013/04/09 書籍:Life of Pi 指導老師:楊薇雲老師 主講者:1012920于立杰 參與人員: 1012904趙思婷 1012908簡偵雅 1012924江庭瑄 1012932陳雅彗 1012936蔣佳伶 0982967曾宇襄
Introduction of the writer Reading p.1~58
Writer Yann Martel born June 25, 1963 50 years old
Yann Martel is a Canadian author best known for the Man Booker Prize-winning novel Life of Pi. Although his first language is French, Yann Martel writes in English: “English is the language in which I best express the subtlety(細微的差別) of life. But I must say that French is the language closest to my heart. And for this same reason, English gives me a sufficient distance to write."
Yann Martel Born in Spain Speak French as his mother language Write Life of Pi in English His father was a diplomat He was raised in Costa Rica, France, Mexico, and Canada.
Career In 2001, he published the novel Life of Pi, his fourth book, which was awarded the Man Booker Prize in 2002. Life of Pi let him becomes the well-known writer in the world and even been putting on the big screen.
Published works Seven Stories (1993) The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios (1993) Self (1996) Life of Pi (2001) We Ate the Children Last (2004) Beatrice and Virgil (2010) 101 Letters to a Prime Minister: The Complete Letters to Stephen Harper (2012)
Part One Toronto and Pondicherry
Chapter 1 Uses a flashback Talks about the main character’s university life University of Toronto Double-major: religious studies and zoology
Memento mori painting (p.6) What does it means?
Chapter 2 and 3 Pi’s real name was named after a swimming pool Mamaji, the person who teach Pi to swim.
Chapter 4 About Pi’s father’s zoo There are many animals we don’t know in the novel Gnu牛羚 Aardvark土豚
Chapter 5 Piscine Molitor Patel Friends always call him “pissing” He changes his nickname to Pi and introduces to his classmates and teachers