Organisational Buying Behavior Pertemuan 16 Matakuliah : J0384 – Perilaku Konsumen Tahun : Ganjil 2007/2008 Organisational Buying Behavior Pertemuan 16
BUYING DECISION PROCESS Cognitive dissonance: a buyer’s doubts shortly after a purchase about whether it was the right decision. Bina Nusantara
BUYING DECISION PROCESS Consumers May Use Careful Calculations & Logical Thinking Consumers May Buy on Impulse and Rely on Intuition Consumers May Make Buying Decisions on Their Own Consumer May Make Decisions After Talking With Others Depends on Purchase Experience/Knowledge, Ease of Obtaining Information, Purchase Risk, Level of Purchase Involvement, and other Cultural, Social, Personal, & Personality Factors Bina Nusantara
BUYING DECISION PROCESS Consumers May Use Careful Calculations & Logical Thinking Consumers May Buy on Impulse and Rely on Intuition Consumers May Make Buying Decisions on Their Own Consumer May Make Decisions After Talking With Others Depends on Purchase Experience/Knowledge, Purchase Risk, Level of Purchase Involvement, and a Variety of Social & Personality Factors Bina Nusantara
BUYING DECISION PROCESS Consumer satisfaction is a function of consumer expectations and perceived product performance. Performance < Expectations Disappointment Performance = Expectations Satisfaction Performance > Expectations Delight Bina Nusantara
PARTICIPANTS IN THE BUSINESS BUYING PROCESS Decision-making unit of a buying organization is called its buying center. Not a fixed and formally identified unit. Membership will vary for different products and buying situations. Buying Center Members: Users Deciders Influencers Buyers Gatekeepers Bina Nusantara
MAJOR TYPES OF BUYING SITUATIONS The buyer routinely reorders something without any modifications. Straight Rebuy Modified Rebuy New Task The buyer wants to modify product specifications, prices, terms, or suppliers. The buyer purchases a product or service for the first time. Bina Nusantara