IDEAS ESSAY WRITING VOCABULARY GRAMMAR Which is the most important? Which is the most difficult for you?
Step1: Brainstorming
What / Why? What is brainstorming? A way of solving problems by thinking of ideas What do you get at the end brainstorming? A step up to your introduction A list of ideas for your body paragraphs
learn on different topics HOW learn on different topics Internet, TV, magazines discuss with friends, family, facebook, twitter, etc. Did you get the news today?
techniques iPads apps, iBrainstorm Mindmash Idea Sketch popplet
Exam Brainstorming In exam, spend at least 5 minutes brainstorming & planning Focus and learn a technique Exam topic Background Your opinion Body 1 info Body 2 info
2-sided opinion Essay Brainstorm Technique: Make a table like this WHY is this IMPORTANT? (answer one or more of these questions Is it new? (change from past to present) Is it happening everywhere? Is it very important for a certain group of people? What is your opinion? (choose one that matches your real opinion) Partly agree Agree, but can see two sides Disagree, but can see the other side Advantages list at least 2 or 3 SEPARATE AND CLEAR POINTS Disadvantages list at least 2 or 3 SEPARATE AND CLEAR POINTS INTRODUCTION Ideas for Hint: get info from the exam itself Don’t worry about spelling or grammar Ideas for your BODY
2-sided opinion Essay Brainstorm Technique: Make a table like this WHY is this IMPORTANT? (answer one or more of these questions Is it new? (change from past to present) Is it happening everywhere? Is it very important for a certain group of people? What is your opinion? (choose one that matches your real opinion) Partly agree Agree, but can see two sides Disagree, but can see the other side Advantages list at least 2 or 3 SEPARATE AND CLEAR POINTS Disadvantages list at least 2 or 3 SEPARATE AND CLEAR POINTS INTRODUCTION Ideas for Hint: get info from the exam itself Don’t worry about spelling or grammar Ideas for your BODY
Example Brainstorm EXAM TOPIC – These days everyone uses mobile phones, but some people are against them 10 years ago no one had. Now, everyone would be lost without I enjoy my mobile, but there are some drawbacks. Non stop communication Emergency Connect to internet Good for business Bad relationships Waste time Always alone Distracting for drivers Noisy in public cheating
More ideas for “Why is this Important?” (General Background) Examples #1 Why / where is it important? all over the world? In the UAE?? #2 When? Was there a big change from the past to the present??? #3 For who is it important? Everyone? For women? Parents? Students/?? See the first sentences of essays below. Which technique did they use? Topic: English at UAE University – “English - international. Most countries teach, incl. UAE” Topic: social Media - “All over world, people connected w/social media.” Topic: Homework: “Students these days have more and more responsibility and homework.” working women - “past, women in UAE - stayed home. Now - everywhere” “10 years ago, no one knew about instagram” “In the past, most people lived on. Now (These days, more and more people are…
What do you know about brainstorming? can be done by one person / in a group. focuses on thinking of many ideas / few ideas. focuses on thinking of good ideas / any ideas. gives feedback about ideas. welcomes any ideas /