PA Dutch 101 Video 35: Present Perfect Tense. Present Perfect Tense.


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Presentation transcript:

PA Dutch 101 Video 35: Present Perfect Tense. Present Perfect Tense.

Present Perfect Tense The Present Perfect Tense is used in PD to express the Past Tense. It is formed with an auxiliary verb and the past participle. The two auxiliary verbs in PD are hawwe and sei. Sei is only used in situations where there is a change of position or condition.

Present Perfect Tense The word order for a past tense sentence in PD uses these equations: subject – hawwe/sei – other stuff – past participle. hawwe/sei – subject – other stuff – past participle? Ich hab Deitsch gelannt. – I learned Dutch. Er iss nooch Kanadaa gfaahre. – He drove to Canada.

The Past Participle: Regular Verbs The Past Participle is formed by: Dropping the E Adding GE to the front of the stem. Adding T to the end of the stem. GE + STEM + T mache = gemacht

The Past Participle: Irregular Verbs The Past Participle is formed by: Dropping the E Adding GE to the front of the stem. Adding E to the end of the stem. GE + STEM + E lese = gelese In most Irr. Verbs, the stem changes spelling! laafe = geloffe These must be memorized or looked up in a dictionary!

Rules to form Past Participles Reg. Verbs ending in a consonant + LE, drop the E and add an E before the L, then add T: – rechle = gerechelt (calculate) Reg. Verbs whose stem end in D, change the D to T: – deide = gedeit (point) Reg. Verbs whose stems end in DD, change the DD to TT: – andwadde = geandwatt (answer)

Rules to form Past Participles Verbs that begin with the letters H,F and S only take a G instead of GE: – heesse = gheese (call) GH = K sound – sitze = gsotze (sit) – schwetze = gschwetzt (talk) The prefix GE is dropped altogether before some stems beginning with G: – gewwe = gewwe – geh = gange

Rules to form Past Participles No GE is added to a verb with an inseparable prefix: – verschteh = verschtanne – bezaahle = bezaahlt If a verb has a separable prefix, the prefix is attached to the front of the past participle: – uffschteh = uffgschtanne – rumlaafe = rumgeloffe

Present Perfect Tense When building sentences in the Present Perfect Tense, it is vital that you are able to form the Past Participle. A dictionary will help you! All dictionaries will give the Past Participle with each verb. – to go – geh, gange (pp)

Sei As has been the case before, SEI has its own separate past tense. You can use: iss + gewese, but most PD use the following form: ichwaarmirwaare duwaarschtdihrwaart er/sie/eswaarsiewaare

Present Perfect Tense Die Susan froogt ihr Daadi. Die Susan hot ihr Daadi gfroogt. Der Chris schpielt sei Gitar. Der Chris hot sei Gitar gschpielt. Der Mann un sei Fraa faahre nooch Reading. Der Mann un sei Fraa sin nooch Reading gfaahre.

Iewing – Practice Ich helf meinre Mudder in der Kich. Ich hab meinre Mudder in der Kich gholfe. Der Onkel kummt am Freidaag. Der Onkel iss am Freidaag kumme. Die Kinner drinke viel Lemonade. Die Kinner hen viel Lemonade gedrunke.

Bis die naegschde Video, Machts gut un schwetzt Deitsch! E-Poscht schreiwe: