PA Dutch 101 Video 30: Emphasis Words. Wadde fer Eidrucke.
Emphasis Words A number of PD words are used for emphasis. These words can not be translated literally. Many PD speakers will use these words often in their speech.
awwer awwer – literally: but Du bischt gscheit. – You are smart. Du bischt awwer gscheit. – Arent you smart!
yuscht yuscht – literally: just Geh datt driwwe! – Go over there! Geh yuscht datt driwwe! – Just go over there!
mol mol – literally: once, Bring dei neies Buch mit! – Bring you new book along! Bring mol dei neies Buch mit! – Why dont you bring your new book along!?
ya ya – literally: yes Du weesscht, mir wuhne in Lebnen. – You know that we live in Lebanon. Du weesscht ya, mir wuhne in Lebnen. – You know very well that we live in Lebanon.
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