A Joint Powers Authority of


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Presentation transcript:

A Joint Powers Authority of SACRAMENTO REGIONAL SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY SWA A Joint Powers Authority of Sacramento County and the City of Sacramento

About the SWA Region City of Sacramento 450,000 pop. County of Sacramento 550,000 pop. Est. 200,000 tons of C&D per year 2004 LTF recommendation: Commercial and C&D Recycling Ordinances Commercial ordinance adopted 2007 C&D ordinances 2009 CalGreen Code 2011

SWA Region (continued) City & County provide residential service Open Franchise system for commercial, including multifamily and drop-box trade 19 Franchisees, 14 exclusively in drop-box or jobsite cleanup business

Ordinance development C&D associated with Building Permits, thus is a Jurisdictional (land use process) issue. City and County would pursue their own ordinances, but builders wanted similar standards & process

3 legged stool Facility operators wanted one program to avoid numerous certification processes, looked to the SWA. City ordinance (builders) County ordinance (builders) SWA ordinance (facilities)

Standards Development Businesses in SWA region were being educated in the “list of materials” approach, not the “percent diversion” approach. Took same philosophy to the building sector; when a builder looks in his dumpster, they see materials, not percent signs.

Sorting vs. recycling C&D Recycling : Source separated material Chip and grind wood recyclers Concrete crushers Composters (drywall, wood) Scrap metal yards OCC recyclers C&D Sorting facilities: Mixed recovery Mixed C&D processing

California research When researching other experiences around the state for models of facility standards, there were very interesting responses. Unconcerned about the difference 60%, no questions asked regarding whether material recovered in source-separated form or mixed Not diverting; shifting mixed C&D from one landfill to another

Numbers and qualities City and County ordinances required recycling of certain materials, just like the Commercial rule which has since served as a model for AB341. SWA rule requires the same of facilities. Wood, metal, OCC, inert materials. 18” CalGreen projects required to be “subjected to the sorting protocols” … STAMP

Minimum standards Prerequisites: Application ($500) Annually renewable Full tier Solid Waste Facility Permit Fully mechanized, elevated sorting line (no dump-and-picks) Application ($500) Annually renewable Terms & Conditions Required Documentation Follow-up and Site Visit Monthly Inspections Audits

Structure & process Program email “wastelog@saccounty.net” Municipal Permit Software – Hauler and Facility selected by builder WMP approval hold and CalGreen Final Hold Automatic emails generated to both when permit is issued Facilities can market by a hauler in outreach material

A note about jurisdictional coordination Sacramento regional waste shed more isolated than some. SWA dominates region / neighboring jurisdictions follow SWA lead Small but growing need for interjurisdictional coordination (San Joaquin / Placer) Recycling Certification Institute

Questions? Contact Dave Ghirardelli (916) 875-4557 GhirardelliD@Saccounty.Net