PA Dutch 101 Video 3: Talking about where you live. Wu du wuhnscht.


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Presentation transcript:

PA Dutch 101 Video 3: Talking about where you live. Wu du wuhnscht.

Wu wuhnscht du? – Where do you live? Ich wuhn in ____. – I live in ____. datt driwwe. – over there. in der Elm Schtross. – on Elm Street. net weit weg vun ___. - not far from ___.

Wu kummscht du bei? – Where do you come from? Ich kumm vun ____. – I come from ___. Amerikaa – Pennsylvaania – Barricks Kaunty

Iewing! – Practice! Ask someone where they live. Say where you are from. Ask someone where they are from. Say where you are from.

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