Preparing Interview Questions An interview is all about the questions. Good ones are specific and get the subject/source to open up. You have to be PREPARED You just do your HOMEWORK You must PRACTICE After you write them practice saying them out loud. Double check to make sure questions are clear and get to the point.
PREPARATION: BEFORE you prepare questions you must do the following: Determine your goals that you want to reach in your interview Decide what kind of information you need form your source/subject Determine if the information is strictly factual or if you want a reaction and emotion Learn about the background of the topic Check the Internet for previous articles on your subject and topic Gather information from other sources
PRACTICE: If you have time, practice your questions on other people Saying them out loud can help determine if they are too long or if they are unclear or if they are going to allow the source to open up You WANT sources to answer with more than “YES” or “NO” You could practice the question on the editor or another reporter. You could also practice on friends or a family member. IF ALL ELSE FAILS, practice alone
CREATE A LIST: When preparing for an interview, what are the 6 things that should be on your checklist? Write these down!!
CHECKLIST: Determine he goals you want to reach in your interview. Research the background of the topic. Research the background of the sources. After you write your questions, practice them by saying them out loud. Make sure questions require more than a “yes” or “no” answer. Practice questions on your editor, another reporter, or a friend or family member.
Ask the Right Questions: Collect Anecdotes – Short personal stories about an event or occurrence. Ask open-ended questions – Questions that encourage the subject to talk, such as “What do you mean?” or “Can you give me an example?” Take Good Notes – Even if you tape record an interview, you should always take careful notes.
CHECKLIST FOR NOTETAKING: Have the tape recorder ready to start taping; don’t fuss with it during the interview. Have your notebook and pen in hand. Sit across from your subject/source. Maintain eye contact by looking up from your notebook often. Ask your subject to slow down if need e so you can get accurate quotes. Make notes on the environment and your observations.
ASSIGNMENT: Partner up students They need to take 15 minutes to prepare for their interview (Use your checklist to guide you) Need to create a list of questions that they will ask. This can include follow up questions and challenge questions Give each student 15 minutes to interview their partner Next class period they will type up their article Needs to be 350 words (show on article) Needs to be in correct format