DIA CSA Working Group Brief State of JTS Implementation UNCLASSIFIED DIA CSA Working Group Brief State of JTS Implementation Randy Crabtree DAE-2A 22 Sep 10 This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED
Agenda Key Documents Joint Training System (JTS) and DIA UNCLASSIFIED Agenda Key Documents Joint Training System (JTS) and DIA Agency Mission Essential Task List (AMETL) Agency Training Plan (ATP) aka Joint Training Plan (JTP) DIA Exercise Participation – Fiscal Year 2011 2
FOR THE ARMED FORCES OF THE Key Documents JOINT INTELLIGENCE Joint Staff Washington, D.C. 20318 Joint Publication 2-0 22 Jun 07 Policy & Guidance Joint Training Manual for the Armed Forces of the United States UNIVERSAL JOINT TASK LIST (UJTL) CJCSM 3500.04E 25 Aug 08 JOINT TRAINING POLICY AND GUIDANCE FOR THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES CJCSI 3500.01 E 31 May 08 Reference Procedures CJCSM 3500.03B 31 Aug 07 Currently, the previously separate instructions covering Joint Training Policy and the Chairman’s Joint Training Master Plan are being merged into one Joint Training Policy and Guidance instruction. The Joint Training Manual is the operators guide for the JTS. The UJTL is the primary supporting reference document which provides the basis for a common language which becomes the soul of the JTS in implementation and execution.
Improve Joint Readiness Readiness: DRRS JFRR/JCCA Four Phases of JTS at DIA Plans Execution Requirements Assessment Effectiveness of Readiness and Training Assessed by the Director Doctrine, Organization, Training or Material, Systems, & Education Strengths or Deficiencies Identified Derived from National Strategies and Assigned Missions Stated in Terms of Mission Essential Tasks, Conditions and Standards. Data Integrated into DRRS (AMETL) Driven by Training Requirements, Training Audience and Tasks Conditions and Standards Assigned to each Task Agency Training Plan (ATP) and Objectives Established to Meet Training and Exercises Executed to demonstrate Capabilities in Support Exercise Audiences: Execute ATP: Matrix Intel Training Requirements Core Competencies Improve Joint Readiness Combatant Commands; IC Community; Interagency; Allies; Coalition Partners; Etc. Readiness: DRRS JFRR/JCCA JLLIS JTIMS Implemented Drafted Partial
DIA METL: DR Approved 12 Feb 2010 Interdependent, operationally focused on DIA’s core tasks Agency Mission Essential Task List Plan and Direct Military and Defense-Related Intelligence Activities Collect Military and Defense-Related Intelligence Information Process and Exploit Collected Military and Defense-Related Intelligence Information Analyze and Produce Military and Defense-Related Intelligence Disseminate and Integrate Military and Defense-Related Intelligence Critical Tasks Execute DIA Intelligence Enterprise Responsibilities Enable Military and Defense-Related Intelligence Operations “The Intelligence Process” Joint Publication 2.0, 2007 These need to be linked to COCOMs – JMETL Conferences (FY 11)
Intelligence Enterprise Responsibilities Intelligence Operations DIA Support to DoD Operations Intelligence Enterprise Responsibilities DIA Intelligence Operations Support To Plan & Direct Collect Process & Exploit Analyze & Produce DI DJ DS DTDX IE J2 NM Disseminate Added 7/1/2010 (only change to document), removed EO and CP from Critical Enablers & added } with directorates. Critical DIA Enablers AE, DA, FE, GC, HC, IG, MC, MM
DRAFT – Complete; Final – TBD DIA’s ATP (Or Whatever It’s Called Today…) A Closer Look… Agency Emblem Agency Training Plan FY XX-XX H I G F E D C B A Director’s Training Guidance Mission Capability Matrix AMETL AMETL/Training Audience Assessment Matrix TRG Objective/TRG Audience/Methods Matrix Event Summaries The completed Agency Training Plan is comprised of 9 sections, tabbed A thru I. I would like to focus your attention on a couple items: Tab A is the Director’s Training Guidance. This is consistent with and reinforces the DoD transformation in training, that the Commander, or in our case, the Director has overall responsibility for training of his/her personnel. Secondly, tab B contains a mission capability matrix and tab C contains the agency’s mission essential task list. This is significant insofar as it establishes a direct link between training and assigned missions. We may take this one step further: In the larger scheme we are assessed on our capability to meet mission requirements or stated differently, our “readiness”. You may, and rightly so, discern the linkage between training – mission – and readiness. It’s all tied together. Timeline Interoperability Requirements ATP Distribution DRAFT – Complete; Final – TBD
FY 11 DIA Exercise Participation Calendar DIA Supports Major Joint Exercise Program (JEP) Exercises CENTCOM/JFCOM: UNIFIED ENDEAVOR (UE) 11-1 (PH 3) OND MRX:20 SEP -2 OCT SOUTHCOM: Integrated Advance 11 (IA 11): 4-11 Feb 2011 CENTCOM/JFCOM: UNIFIED ENDEAVOR (UE) 11-3 OEF MRX: 6 – 24 JUN CENTCOM/JFCOM: UNIFIED ENDEAVOR (UE) 11-1 (PH 4) OND MRX: 18-29 OCT USFK: Key Resolve (KR 11): 6-16 MAR PACOM: Talisman Saber 11 (TS 11): 11-29 July 2011 USFK: Ulchi Freedom Guardian (UFG): 14-24 Aug CENTCOM/JFCOM: UNIFIED ENDEAVOR (UE) 11-1 (PH 5) OND MRX: 8-20 NOV SOCOM: Able Warrior (AW 11): 7-10 MAR EUCOM/STRATCOM: AUSTERE CHALLENGE (AC)/Global Lightning (GL): 25 APR – 11 MAY 2011 SOUTHCOM: PANAMAX 11 (PA 11): 15-16 Aug 2011 NORTHCOM/STRATCOM: Vigilant Shield (VS) and Global Thunder (GT) 4-10 NOV CENTCOM/JFCOM: -Unified Endeavor – Unified Endeavor is our one true “support the war-fighter” exercise, in which DIA assist’s in certifying DIV/CORPS level units for deployment to Iraq/Afghanistan. We provide up to 8-10 personnel to support the white cell at JWFC and 1-3 personnel with the G2 for the unit deploying. SOCOM: -Able Warrior – Able Warrior exercises CONPLAN 7520-09 in which DIA has several key roles to support in the time-sensitive planning process. Additionally, this years AW will involve a new concept called the National Level Rehearsal, in which REAL countries and REAL terrorist identities will be used as opposed to the DHS construct for NLE. DHS/White House: -National Level Exercise – NLE is a tier 1, US government wide exercise that tests natural and man-made disasters. NLE 11 will have little impact on DIA, however we will play in NLE through NORTHCOM’s linked exercise Ardent Sentry 11 with a small <10 person contingent. PACOM: ULCHI FREEDOM GUARDIAN – An IP exercise using OPLAN 5027 as its platform, UFG will become Combined Forces Command and USFK’s “Fight Tonight” exercise which correlates to DIA’s on-Pen augmentation and more specifically, DI’s north Korea Intelligence Cell (nKIC) reachback support from the DIAC. TERMINAL FURY – PACOM’s Priority 1 exercise, exercising PACOM, JTF-519 and JTF staff in executing PACOM’s OPLAN 5077 to deter or defeat China’s aggression towards Taiwan. KEY RESOLVE – CFC’s and USFK’s alternate exercise focuses on nK instability (CONPLAN 5029) which DIA provides analytical and theater ballistic missile on-Pen support. EUCOM: AUSTERE CHALLENGE – EUCOM’s number one exercise which certifies at least one component annually, DIA provides analytical and counterintelligence support to the headquarters and the certifying task force. STRATCOM: GLOBAL THUNDER/VIGILANT SHIELD – STRATCOM/NORAD will be exercised together with VS 11 concentrating on Homeland defense, Aerospace and Maritime warnings (CONPLAN 3400 series) and GT11 concentrating on Global deterrence and Strike, space control, cyberspace operations and combating WMD in a nuclear war based exercise (STRATCOM 8000 Plans). AFRICOM: JUDICIOUS RESPONSE - AFRICOM’s four part Joint Force Foreign Humanitarian Assistance, Non-combatant Evacuation Operations, Force Protection and Strategic Communications Information Operations and Intelligence development and dissemination support to other US government agencies exercise. SOUTHCOM: (We support SOUTHCOM, although DIOCC/D2X covers down on planning conferences, we produce eTask and serve as admin/log hub) INTEGRATED ADVANCE - SOUTHCOM’s interagency centric exercise to develop Government solutions PANAMAX – SOUTHCOM’s Joint national exercise aimed at countering treats in the Panama Canal region. CENTCOM/JFCOM: UNIFIED ENDEAVOR (UE) 11-2 OEF MRX: 18 JAN – 4 FEB PACOM: Terminal Fury (TF):28 MAR – 1 APR (PH I); 14-20 MAY (PH II) AFRICOM: Judicious Response (JR): PH 4;10-22 SEPT AFRICOM: Judicious Response (JR): PH 3; 22 FEB – 4 MAR National Level Exercise (NLE)/Ardent Sentry 11 (AS 11): 16-20 MAY WHITE HOUSE: Principal exercise: 2nd QTR FY 11 Primary – Training Aid; Limited Training Opportunity 8 8