The Scramble for Africa
#19: Define Imperialism. When a country makes itself more powerful by bringing additional land (called colonies) under its control Also known as “colonization” or “colonialism”
#21. Why Colonize Africa?
Why Colonize Africa? Farming Opportunities: African climate allows for many types of crops to be grown.
Why Colonize Africa? Forestry Opportunities: Abundant forests and rainforests—wood can be used for many products
Minerals: Abundant supplies of gold, diamonds, platinum, and nickel Why Colonize Africa? Minerals: Abundant supplies of gold, diamonds, platinum, and nickel
Oil & natural gas deposits Why Colonize Africa? Oil & natural gas deposits
Why Colonize Africa? More land (territory)
Why Colonize Africa? A population that was easy to take advantage of (weakened by slave trade).
A good location to trade products made in European factories Why Colonize Africa? A good location to trade products made in European factories
Many European countries wanted to establish colonies Great Britain Belgium France Germany Italy Portugal Spain Netherlands Russia Denmark Ottoman Empire Austria-Hungary Norway Sweden
#20: Berlin Conference of 1884 Purpose: To figure out how to divide Africa To avoid wars with each other 80% of Africa was independent (Before 1884) Conference: Divided Africa among Europe African opinions not represented Europeans believed Africa “didn’t belong to anyone”= free for the taking!
The Scramble Begins Europeans began to exploit Africans for slave or cheap labor & began to overuse and abuse African resources. #22: By 1912, only Liberia & Ethiopia were independent (2 countries)
Political Cartoons and the Scramble for Africa
What is a political cartoon? An illustration containing a political or social message; used as a way of speaking out for or against something that is happening in the world.
What is this political cartoon saying about England? What is the cartoon comparing England to?
What countries are represented in this cartoon? Why are the men pulling at Africa?
How does the cartoon represent colonization in Africa? Who do you think the snake represents?
What is the message of the cartoon? Look at the title of the cartoon. How does that help you interpret the overall meaning?
#23: Effects of the Scramble for Africa Resources were overused and abused.
Impact of Colonial Rule 2. Worsened conflict among ethnic groups -ex: Hutus & Tutsis in Rwanda
Impact of Colonial Rule 3. Europeans forced Africans to change their culture. *Called assimilation* Ex: language, religion, clothing, etc.
Impact of Colonial Rule 4. European countries did not provide enough money to Africans to help them improve their countries. *They didn’t help build roads, hospitals, schools, etc. *Europeans helped keep Africa 3rd World
Impact of Colonial Rule 5. Africans forced to labor for the under poor working conditions for little/no pay.
Impact of Colonial Rule 6. Many families were split up.
Get Creative! Create a song (lyrics must be written out), political cartoon, comic strip or poem or acrostic poem about the Scramble for Africa. Your assignment must include color, be creative, and have content about the Imperialism of Africa. Due Monday, November 7th.