GCOS Networks (GSN & GUAN) (2015 Report – GCOS Network Manager) Global Climate Observing System GCOS Networks (GSN & GUAN) (2015 Report – GCOS Network Manager) 5th CBS-LC-GCOS & AGG 7-9th September 2016 BAS, Cambridge, UK
GCOS/GCM is concerned with … The observations: what is measured, how is it measured, where is it measured, how is the measurement sustained, etc. Data transmission: what is transmitted, with what time delay, in what code Data management (including data rescue): archiving and access to raw data, metadata, and data products recovery and rehabilitation of past data Data and products: Fundamental records, including recalibration and homogenisation Satellite retrievals, gridded fields from in situ and remotely-sensed measurements, etc.
GSN & GUAN Network
2015 (2011-14) Summary – NCEI
GSN 2015 - NCEI
RBCN 2015 - NCEI
GUAN Performance 2015 (2011 – 14) - NCEP Minimum requirement of 25 daily soundings each month to at least 30hPa.
GUAN March 2016 - ECMWF
Network Station List (2016 update)
GCOS Focal Points / National Contacts
c/o World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) E-mail: gcosjpo@wmo.int GCOS Secretariat c/o World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) 7 bis, Avenue de la Paix P.O. Box 2300 1211 Geneva, Switzerland E-mail: gcosjpo@wmo.int http://gcos.wmo.int Reporting Relations Impact of WG recommendations (e.g. for UNFCCC)