Dr. Syed Waleem Pasha Assistant Professor Yenepoya Medical College COMPARISON OF SERUM PARAOXONASE LEVELS IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME AND NORMAL SUBJECTS: CASE CONTROL STUDY Dr. Syed Waleem Pasha Assistant Professor Yenepoya Medical College
Background Materials and methods Results Conclusion
Background Atherosclerosis Role of HDL Risk factors
Risk factors conventional newer hs-CRP Markers of inflammation Smoking Hypertension Elevated LDL Low HDL Insulin resistance and diabetes Obesity Mental stress and depression hs-CRP Markers of inflammation Homocysteine Fibrinogen and D-dimer Lipoprotein (a) Paraoxonase 1
Paraoxonase 1 (PON 1) Synthesized in liver Transported along HDL Antioxidant function – prevents LDL oxidation Activity exclusively associated with HDL
Materials and Methods 60 patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) 30 matched controls Serum paraoxonase (PON) levels, blood sugar, lipid profile History of smoking and alcohol intake History of diabetes and hypertension
Paraoxonase assay: Lipid profile: UV spectrophotometer Enzymatic activity Reference range: 53 – 186 kU/L Lipid profile: Fasting Total cholesterol, High density lipoprotein and trigycerides – enzymatic method Low density lipoprotein – friedwald’s formula
Inclusion criteria: Exclusion criteria: Age > 18 yrs Cases: patients diagnosed as acute coronary syndrome Controls: patients with ACS (history and investigations) Exclusion criteria: Renal failure Hepatic parenchymal disease Prior IHD, stroke, peripheral vascular disease in last three months Anti-lipid treatment for more than three months
Analysis: SPSS (statistical package for the social sciences) version 18 Department of statistics, Manipal university
Age distribution
Age distribution AGE (YRS) CASES CONTROLS N PON 1 31-40 6 54.67 7 93.86 41-50 9 49.67 5 71.6 51-60 23 59.26 10 78.3 61-70 12 54.75 8 71.25 >70 50 TOTAL 60 30 P Value 0.307 0.098
Gender distribution GENDER CASES CONTROLS N PON 1 MALE 50 54.1 24 74.88 FEMALE 10 59 6 95.17 TOTAL 60 30 P Value 0.203 0.129
Smoking SMOKER CASES CONTROLS N PON 1 YES 36 53.06 14 82.21 NO 24 57.71 16 76.06 TOTAL 60 30 P value 0.266 0.865
Alcohol ALCOHOLIC CASES CONTROLS 23 N PON 1 YES 16 50.06 7 83.71 NO 44 56.68 77.48 TOTAL 60 30 P value 0.99 0.252
Diabetes DIABETIC CASES CONTROLS N PON 1 YES 36 52.89 9 78.78 NO 24 57.96 21 79 TOTAL 60 30 P value 0.81 0.435
Hypertension HYPERTENSIVE CASES CONTROLS N PON 1 YES 31 54.58 14 77.21 NO 29 55.28 16 80.44 TOTAL 60 30 P value 0.244 0.578
Total cholesterol TC (mg/dl) CASES CONTROLS N PON 1 <100 2 65 87.5 101-150 11 55.27 4 66.5 150-200 19 57.16 10 84.8 201-250 21 58.1 85.8 >250 7 35.86 55.25 TOTAL 60 30 P value 0.642 0.055
Triglycerides TG (mg/dl) CASES CONTROLS N PON 1 <80 11 60.73 7 90 81-160 30 57.1 12 83.8 161-240 16 48.12 10 66.55 >240 3 48 1 59 TOTAL 60 P value 0.247 0.702
HDL HDL (mg/dl) CASES CONTROLS N PON 1 <30 23 41.87 9 60.89 31-45 25 61.56 18 84.11 46-60 64.56 3 102 >60 71.33 TOTAL 60 30 P value 0.166 0.086
LDL LDL (mg/dl) CASES CONTROLS N PON 1 <100 11 56.82 5 78.4 101-125 20 58.15 8 74.38 126-150 12 61.5 7 92.14 151-175 9 50.44 83.4 >175 39.38 63.8 TOTAL 60 30 P value 0.238 0.074
Master CASES (N=60) CONTROLS (N=30) P value TC 193.4 197.23 0.663 TG 140.13 135.13 0.865 LDL 124.06 129.69 0.791 HDL 35.77 34.43 0.213 RBS 150.02 142.27 0.541 PON 1 54.92 78.93 0.034
Comparative study SINGH et al PRESENT STUDY CONTROLS (191) CASES (120) PON 1 64.92 57.19 <0.05 54.92 78.93 0.034 TC 155.38 160.81 197.23 193.4 0.663 TG 150.4 131.45 135.13 140.13 0.791 LDL 84.77 97.59 <0.01 129.69 124.06 HDL 41.82 36.92 <0.001 34.43 35.77 0.213
Conclusion Cases had significantly lower serom PON 1 levels when compared to controls Low PON 1 levels can be an independent risk factor for IHD
Future Target for prophylaxis Marker of morbidity/ mortality Risk stratification Other organ dysfunction (atherosclerosis)
Limitations: Small sample size Obesity not considered Stable angina not considered Wide reference range
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