EFCOG Startup and Commissioning Task Team Introduction Presenter’s Name Cherri DeFigh-Price, PE 2.28.17 00.00.00
Education and Experience BS Civil Engineering – Washington State University 1974 Licensed Professional Engineer (Washington and South Carolina) Hanford Site – 32 years Research/Repository modeling (Battelle) N-Reactor Operations (UNC) Central Plateau (ARHCO, Rockwell, Westinghouse, Lockheed, CH2M Hill) Single Shell Tank Integrity/Structural Analysis Group lead Waste management/Packaging and Shipping Hanford Defense Waste Environmental Impact Analysis – data package lead (extensive public involvement) Process Engineering manager, Tank Characterization Director Tank Safety Deputy Director (Ferrocyanide, hydrogen, tank integrity) Single Shell Tank Interim Closure Director Director/System Engineering and Director/Engineering Standards
Education and Experience, continued K-Reactor Fuel Basins (Duke Energy) Nuclear and Environmental Safety PAAA, S/RID Restart/Special Projects, Operational Readiness Extensive interactions with DNFSB, State Department of Ecology Participated in an ORR as an assessor once and supported several ORRs through this period of time Savannah River Site Salt Waste Processing Facility, Director of Configuration Management From initial ground preparation (2007) through construction complete (April 2016) and now in testing and commissioning Included roles for maintenance of web site for rapidly supporting data review and access
Education and Experience, continued EFCOG Vice Chair of Engineering Practices Working Group January 2009-August 2016 Chair of Engineering Practices Sub Group, August 2016-now Previously chair of the Configuration Management Task Team Other Fellow, ASCE Past Chair Pacific Northwest Council (6 state region) Past Section, branch officer Certified Parsons Project Manager
Potential Gaps, Needs, Concerns Agree with need to consider addressing nuclear projects separately from non nuclear projects given the technical, safety, and regulatory complexities involved with many of the nuclear projects. For some Projects, need more focus on non-safety basis regulatory aspects (environmental, chemical hazards, physical hazards) – need flexibility and recognition to tailor startup and commissioning Possible need for improved expectations on staff readiness (versus just hardware) and time to get both hardware and staff ready – particularly as often the same staff doing both. Schedule/cost to really prepare (actual data/lessons learned) Better understanding of expectations for drills, orals, etc. Understanding of what support Task Team wants and needs from EFCOG Engineering Practices Subgroup.