In-class Writing Tomorrow you should write a short essay about a time when you were sick or injured or a time when your life was affected by the illness or injury of someone close to you such as a family member. Aim for at least four paragraphs (an introduction, two body paragraphs with a turning point as a transition, and a conclusion). Remember, chronological order. Time will be the challenge. The essay should be handwritten, and turn in notes/outlines along with your in-class essay.
In-class Writing The story should be a true story. Do not write a story that is not real. You need paragraph breaks when there is a major turning point or change in your experience. Make sure that you use examples. If you write about a repeated experience, go into detail about at least one. Use time for transitions. For people who are learning English, this might be difficult. You will need to practice. Introduction: Set the scene and the direction for the story (normally the scene is happy, and then there is a problem). Conclusion: You should interpret your experience and end the story. In other words, explain what the experience means to you. Do not make the story more significant than it is (i.e. not a huge lesson).