The Multisensor Camera A New Camera Design Capable of Capturing High Dynamic Range Images
Traditional Camera with Beam Splitter Lens Scene CCD Sensor #1 Traditional Beam Splitters Make a Single Copy of an Image, However They are Too Large To Make Multiple Copies in the Small Space Between the Lens and the Sensor CCD Sensor #2 Beam Splitters also Refract Light due Their Thick Glass Causing Aberrations
Novel Beam Splitting Apparatus The Multisensor Camera Splits Image Into Three Identical Copies Without Aberration CCD Sensor #1 Novel Beam Splitter* and Lens Design Scene CCD Sensor #2 *Under Patent Application Special Design Allows Light to be Split From One to as Many Times as Desired, in the Same Amount of Space CCD Sensor #3
Simultaneous Capture of Multiple Images CCD Sensor Settings are Adjusted to Capture the Same Scene at Different Exposure Settings Novel Beam Splitter and Lens Design Parking Lot Scene
Intensity Space Mosiacing Pixels are Selected From Images Containing Suitable Intensity Values These Pixels are Used to Compose the High Dynamic Range Image
Moving Objects and Video Because the Images are Taken Simultaneously Moving Objects are Not a Problem Novel Beam Splitter And Lens Design Scene This Also Enables the Technology to Create High Dynamic Range Video