Foss Web Photo Gallery for Solids and Liquids
This is a mixture of solids This is a mixture of solids. There are solid peanuts, almonds, filberts and salt. Each solid holds its own shape. photo credit: L. Agler Chocolate milk is a mixtue of solids and liquid. The chocolate is a pile of tiny solids. The milk is a liquid that takes the shape of the glass and can flow. photo credit: L. Agler
This is a mixture of two kinds of liquids This is a mixture of two kinds of liquids. Each bottle has water and each bottle has oil. Which is which? What is your evidence? How can you find out? photo credit: L. Agler Sodas are mixtures of liquid and gas. The bubbles are filled with gas. photo credit: L. Agler
What kind of mixture is this. How do you know. What is your evidence What kind of mixture is this? How do you know? What is your evidence? photo credit: L. Agler What kind of mixture is this? How do you know? What is your evidence? photo credit: L. Agler
What kind of mixture is this. How do you know. What is your evidence What kind of mixture is this? How do you know? What is your evidence? photo credit: L. Agler What kind of mixture is this? How do you know? What is your evidence? photo credit: L. Agler