Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, AGH Univ., INP & Jagiell. Univ. Cracow, The Future of @ DESY Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, AGH Univ., INP & Jagiell. Univ. Cracow, JINR, Dubna, NCPHEP, Minsk, FZU, Prague, IHEP, Protvino, TAU, Tel Aviv, DESY, Zeuthen &Vinca Belgrade Wolfgang Lohmann November 2005 DESY see: PRC R&D 01/02 (2002) Instrumentation of the forward region
Ch.G. U. H. H.H. W.La. Submitted in August
The very Forward Detectors Measurement of the Luminosity with precision O(10-4) Detection of Electrons and Photons at very low angle – extend hermeticity (Important for Searches) Fast Beam Diagnostics Shielding of the inner Detector L* = 4m 300 cm VTX FTD IP LumiCal: 26 < q < 82 mrad BeamCal: 4 < q < 28 mrad PhotoCal: 100 < q < 400 mrad LumiCal BeamCal
Shape and Segmentation, Key Requirements on the Measurement of the Luminosity-LumiCal Gauge Process: e+e- e+e- (g) Goal: 10-4 Precision Physics Case: Giga-Z , Two Fermion Cross Sections at High Energy, e+e- W+W- Technology: Si-W Sandwich Calorimeter Optimisation of Shape and Segmentation, Key Requirements on the Design MC Simulations Close contacts to Theorists (Cracow, Katowice, DESY)
and mechanical Precision Requirements on the Mechanical Design LumiCal IP < 4 μm Requirements on Alignment and mechanical Precision (rough Estimate) Inner Radius of Cal.: < 1-4 μm Distance between Cals.: < 60 μm Radial beam position: < 0.7 mm < 0.7 mm
Concept for the Mechanical Frame Decouple sensor frame from absorber frame Sensor carriers Absorber carriers
Mechanical Frame Extend the concept to an engineering design - demonstration that the carrier structure for sensors makes the control of the inner radius on the mm level possible FE analysis (gravitational sag, temperature) 2005 - 2006, U. H.
BeamCal e+e- Pairs from Beamstrahlung are deflected into the BeamCal 15000 e+e- per BX 10 – 20 TeV 10 MGy per year Rad. hard sensors GeV Technologies: Diamond-W Sandwich Scintillator Crystals Gas Ionisation Chamber
W-Diamond (or W-Si) sandwich Design Concept W-Diamond (or W-Si) sandwich sensor Space for electronics
Observables Beam Parameter Determination with BeamCal radial moment detector: realistic segmentation, ideal resolution single parameter analysis, bunch by bunch resolution, 20 mrad crossing angle radial moment azimuthal moment total energy L/R, U/D F/B asymmetries, … Quantity Nominal Value Precision sx 553 nm 1.2 nm sy 5.0 nm 0.1 nm sz 300 mm 4.3 mm Dy 0.4 nm Part of EUROTEV WP5 program (Task reporter: Ch. Grah)
Detection of High Energy Electrons and Photons √s = 500 GeV √s = 500,1000 GeV Single Electrons of 50, 100 and 250 GeV Single Electrons of 200 and 400 GeV Comparison 500 GeV - 1TeV Requirements: fine segmented and dense (RM!) calorimeter dynamic range ~ 104
Diamond sensors-Collaboration with FAP FAP manufactured several samples from large area wafers The CCDs are between 10 and 60 mm Some sensors show microcracks Some are stable under irradiation, other not. FAP did diagnostics for us. 100 mm diameter, 500 mm thick Signal peak as a function of the dose for three (good) sensors Surface of a polished diamond (BTU Cottbus) Surface with microcracks (BTU Cottbus) Other suppliers: E6, GPI Moscow
Diagnostics tools Raman spectra CCD ~ 20mm CCD ~ 100mm Diamond peak Graphite bump
Photo Luminescense Spectra CCD ~ 100mm CCD ~ 10mm CCD ~ 50mm
Sensor tests with Diamonds May,August/2004 test beams Pads ADC Diamond (+ PA) Scint.+PMT& signal gate Pm1&2 May,August/2004 test beams CERN PS Hadron beam – 3,5 GeV 2 operation modes: Slow extraction ~105-106 / s fast extraction ~105-107 / ~10ns (Wide range intensities) Diamond samples (CVD): - Freiburg - GPI (Moscow) - Element6 Katerinas talk
Signal transport on a sensor plane Future sensor studies production of sensors without micro cracks tight limits on Raman and PL spectra- validation of our presumptions Homogeneity Study of the signal size and leakage current as a function of large (>MGy) absorbed dose study of Si pad sensors as a function of the absorbed dose (backup option) 2006 - 2007, Ch. G, Ph.D. student, guest scientists Signal transport on a sensor plane Requirement: ultrathin sensor layer (RM!) Production of a ‘PCB segment’ with pads Test of different readout technologies - classical: flexfoil with wire bonds - innovative: second metallisation with polymer insulator 2006 - 2007, W. La., H.H. Ch. G. , PD, Ing. student
Read out electronics for calorimeter prototype test Requirement: > 103 channels, dynamic range 104 Contacts to LAL Orsay, delivery of first prototypes end 2005 Test measurements Prototype readout module design and test If successful – production of ~ 2000 channels mid 2006 - 2007, H.H., PD, W. La. Data Acquisition Concept for data taking in a testbeam regime Hard and software development 2007 - 2008, H.H., PD, support from IT
Mechanical frame for a prototype calorimeter Sensor planes Depending on the results of sensor tests and signal readout- construction of a few full planes (Diamond or Silicon) Beam test Production of O(10) planes 2008 - 2009, W. La, H.H., Ph.D. PD., guests Mechanical frame for a prototype calorimeter Design Production of frame and absorber discs 2006 - 2007, U.H., mechanics workshop
Prototype test Resources Testbeam at DESY, test of the full system Test in the ‘spray beam’ with single electrons at SLAC 2009 - 2010 Resources 2006/7: 145 kEuro, 12 MW mechanical workshop, 12 MW electronical workshop 2008/9: 350 kEuro, workshop needs still difficult to estimate