Rygaards International Secondary School An introduction to the English National Curriculum and the National Curriculum Levels of Assessment September 17th 2013
What is the English National Curriculum? A statutory framework of what is to be studied and how students are to be assessed from age 3 through to age 14 Introduced as a result of the Education Reform Act of 1988 Used by many international schools around the world - Why?
Key Stages KEY STAGE YEAR GROUPS Primary/Secondary Early Years Nursery - Reception Primary Key Stage 1 Years 1 - 2 Key Stage 2 Years 3 - 6 Key Stage 3 Years 7 - 9 Secondary Key Stage 4 Years 10 – 11 (IGCSE)
Key Stage 3 Covers the phase of a child’s education between ages 11-14 (Years 7, 8 and 9) Curriculum The NC (National Curriculum) provides a broad, balanced, consistent and progressive core curriculum. Each curriculum subject is guided by a Programme of Study to ensure year-on-year progression. See: http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/teachingandlearning/curriculum/secondary
KS 3 Subjects at Rygaards English Mathematics Science Social Studies (History and Geography) French/German Art (& Design) Music Gym Religion Danish ICT (Across the Curriculum) Class Period: Learning to Lead
Why is following the NC a good idea? Consistency Transparency Progression and Pathways Accountability Comparible Data A respected, established and criteria-referenced model of ASSESSMENT
Old model of KS3 Assessment at Rygaards Letter grades A-E plus Effort Grades 1-4 Attainment Grades = prone to subjectivity, inconsistency and lacking accountability and ‘value-added’ Effort Grades will remain as a report feature EX = Excellent Effort; GD = Good; ST = Satisfactory; NI = Needs Improvement
Revised Rygaards Assessment Model Will use NATIONAL CURRICULUM LEVELS OF ATTAINMENT Numeric based grading system (1 – 8) rather than traditional letter based (A-E) system Levels do not change beween Primary and Secondary – thus ensuring continuity and tracking across a ctudents’ whole education Students’ performance/attainment can be compared within the class, school, region, country Well- resourced for teachers/students/parents
Level Progression Steps
Benchmarks, Tracking and Monitoring End of Key Stage 3 Tests that used to be provided by the UK government are no longer used. Thus, as an external benchmark/check/balance we use ... CEM Midyis Adaptive Assessments Y7 and Y8 provide excellent predictive/baseline data. As do the Y9 end of year Insight Core tests Data to inform learning and to help track, monitor and celebrate collective and individual success. In addition, provide targetted support to those who need it.
So how is my child performing? 7 Years End of KS1 11 Years End of KS2 14 Years End of KS3 Level 8 Level 7 Level 6 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Exceptional Beyond Expectations At expected Level Below Expectations In general it is expected that a student should improve 2 Levels across KS3 (from Y7 – Y9)
End of Term 1 – So how id my child doing? Y7 Y8 Y9 BE WT ME EX Y7 3a and below 4c 4b, 4a, 5c 5b and above Y8 4c and below 4b 4a, 5c, 5b 5a and above Y9 4b and below 4a 5c, 5b, 5a 6c and above French and German BE = Below Expactations WT = Working Towards ME = Meeting Expectations EX = Exceeding Expectations YEAR ME for MFL* Y7 2a, 3c, 3b Y8 3a, 4c, 4b Y9 4a, 5c, 5b
Assessment for Learning: Formative and Summative Assesment Summative Levels and Grades are important but it is the ongoing Formative Assessment that has the greatest impact upon learning Formative Assessment = Constructive Teacher Feedback in a range of forms, target setting, learning discussions, peer assessment, self assessment The criteia referenced NC Levels support formative assessment strategies and assessment for learning In a relatively short time, students and parents will be ‘Level Literate’
Student Friendly Level Descriptors Attainment Target 1: Speaking and Listening Attainment Target 2: Reading Attainment Target 3: Writing Level 6 I change the way I talk in a wide variety of different situations so that what I say is always appropriate. My vocabulary and expression is varied and lively when I speak. I take an active part in discussions and can assume different roles. I show a sensitive understanding of others' ideas. I use standard English fluently in formal situations. I can read, understand and discuss a range of texts. I can identify different layers of meaning and comment on their significance and effect. I can give a personal response to literary texts , and refer to aspects of language, structure and themes to justify my views. I can make connections between texts from different times and cultures; I can link these to my own experiences. I can summarise a range of information from different sources. My writing is fluent and it engages and sustains the reader's interest. I adapt my style of writing and language choices to suit different forms. I experiment with a range of sentence structures and a very varied vocabulary in order to create effects. I organise my ideas in well-developed, linked paragraphs. My spelling, even of irregular words, is generally accurate. I use a range of punctuation to clarify my meaning, for example, semi colons. My handwriting is neat and legible. Level 7 I am confident speaking in all situations, even those that are new to me. I use vocabulary precisely and creatively to interest my listeners. I organise my speech so as to communicate clearly. I make significant contributions to discussions and am able to evaluate other peoples' ideas. I use standard English confidently in situations that require it. I understand the ways in which meaning and information are conveyed in a range of texts. I can articulate personal and critical responses to poems, plays and novels. I show awareness of the thematic, structural and linguistic features of a range of texts. I understand why some texts are particularly valued and influential. I can select, synthesise and compare information from a variety of sources. I am a confident writer and adapt my work appropriately and imaginatively to suit purpose and audience. I develop both character and setting in my narrative writing. My non-fiction writing gives clear points of view, and takes account of different perspectives. I use grammatical features and vocabulary accurately and for effect. My spelling is correct, even of complex, irregular words. I use paragraphs and correct punctuation to make the sequence of events or ideas coherent and clear. My work is legible and attractively presented.
Levels for Learning Therefore, for our KS3 students the introduction of the NC Levels as a means of assessment will create a more effective, robust and accountable system Although the nomenclature is different – the KS3 National Curriculum is designed to compliment the Key Stage 4 I/GCSE two-year programme used here at Rygaards
Important Dates Term 1 Parent Teacher Consultations : 28th and 29th October December 20th: Term 1 Full Academic Report Issued On this set of reports, students will receive a NC Level and an Effort Grade for each subject* plus at least 3 constructive targets as to how to improve. However, parents are not limited to these dates to initiate a dialogue as to how their child is progressing. If you have questions or concens, please contact the subject teacher. *Not, at this stage a NC Level in Danish, Gym or Religion