Education & Training market Briefing notes and sales support for news media sales teams
What’s in this deck? This deck is split into two sections: Section 1 An overview of the Australian Education & Training market Media owners must understand the competitive environment and business needs of their clients in order to provide optimal advertising solutions. Section one provides some key industry insights on the Education & Training sector. The information contained in this section won’t make you an instant expert but it will help get you up to speed on some important facts about each category. Section 2 Support slides for sales presentations Every great sales presentation is tailored for each client, but there are certain points that fit most clients within a category. Section two contains research about how news media can help education & training providers engage with key target markets.
Section 1 Education & Training market: an overview
Education & Training: revenue Estimated revenue: $118.7 billion (2015-16) Source: IBISWorld, Education & Training in Australia, January 2016.
Education & Training: strong and growing Strong industry growth Current growth c. 5% p.a. Enrolment growth Preschool program enrolments: +7% in 2015 School student enrolments: +1.5% in 2015 Higher education students Growing: +36,602 (3.1%) in 2015 Sources: ABS, Preschool Education, 4240.0 , 2014, 2015 | ABS, Schools, 4221.0, 2014, 2015 | Department of Education and Training, Higher Education Statistics, 2015 | IBISWorld, Education & Training in Australia, January 2016.
Education & Training: services segmentation Government Schools make up the largest segment in the industry accounting for 41% of revenue, while the Sports Instruction segment is the smallest at under 1%. Source: IBISWorld, Education & Training in Australia, January 2016.
Education & Training: major markets Students aged five to 14 are the largest education segment, accounting for 46% of revenue, while students aged 15 to 19 make up the second largest market at 18.8%. Source: IBISWorld, Education & Training in Australia, January 2016.
Education & Training: key drivers of industry growth Population growth and rising secondary school retention rates. Changes to government policy and funding. Increased demand for private school education. Increased international student enrolments. Sources: IBSA, Training & Education Industry, 2015; Deloitte, Positioning for prosperity, 2014. IBISWorld, Education & Training in Australia, January 2016.
Education & Training: industry outlook Deloitte places education in its ‘fantastic five’ for industries that will lead economic growth over the next 20 years in its Positioning for Prosperity report Revenue Outlook Year Revenue $ million Growth % 2016-17 127,523.6 7.5 2017-18 134,755.7 5.7 2018-19 139,641.8 3.6 2019-20 143,848.0 3.0 2020-21 147,816.9 2.8 Education and Training sector revenue is forecast to continue preforming strongly over the next five years, increasing at an annualised 4.5% through to 2020-21. Source: IBISWorld, Education & Training in Australia, January 2016. Sources: Deloitte, Positioning for prosperity, 2014; IBISWorld, Education & Training in Australia, January 2016.
Section 2 Support slides for sales presentations
About these slides The following slides provide general supporting arguments to assist sales teams when building client-specific presentations. The purpose is to open discussion, to demonstrate a basic understanding of factors that drive course uptake, and to show how news media can help to influence the decision process. These slides are intended to be used in a presentation after recapping the brief, and before presenting analysis and recommendations tailored to the specific client. Needless to say, they can and be should be adapted to suit your particular presentation requirements. Recap client/agency brief Live sport industry support slides Client specific analysis Recommendations
News media hits key education and training segments emma data shows news media reaches consumer segments most likely to respond to education and training provider messaging News media reaches 92% of parents of school or preschool aged children – a key market for child education providers. 2.1 million readers with pre-school aged children aged 1 to 4. 3.4 million readers with primary school children aged 4 to 12. 2.7 million readers with high school children aged 13 to 17. Major target markets for high school and higher education are engaged with news media. 2.6 million readers aged 14 to 24. 5.7 million readers aged 25 to 44. Sources: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending February 2016, Nielsen DRM February 2016, People 14+ only.
Our audiences value education News media audiences place importance on quality education 6.3 million (95%) tertiary educated Australians read news media every month 12.1 million (93%) people who think ‘a formal education is vital to success in life’ read news media 61% of news media readers think ‘public schools are as good as private schools’ 89% (14.7m) of the news media audience think ‘learning a trade is just as valuable as a university education’ Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending February 2016, Nielsen DRM February 2016, People 14+ only.
Reach quality educators with news media News media is a effective way to engage with in-demand, quality education professionals: News media reaches 609,000 or 97% of education professionals. 52% of education professionals read 3+ print newspapers every week. 524,000 (83%) education professional are engaged with digital news media. Education professionals are 13% more likely to be heavy newspaper readers (7+ issues per week) than the average Australian. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending February 2016, Nielsen DRM February 2016, People 14+ only.
News media audiences invest in education News media is a effective way to engage with top grade education and training consumers News media reached nine in ten of the top 20 per cent of consumer spenders on education. Readers of print newspaper education sections are 26% more likely to be among the top 20 per cent of consumer spenders on education and training fees. 1.6 million readers took part in a short course or seminar in the last three months. Readers of newspaper education sections are 56% more likely to have a attended a short course or seminar than the average Australian. Readers of national news media are 47% more likely to have a attended a short course or seminar than the average Australian. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending February 2016, Nielsen DRM February 2016, People 14+ only.
News media offers Universities exceptional reach Gen Y (those aged 23-34) are the best educated generation in history with over 50 percent having completed a tertiary education course News media has high penetration rates among professionals, providing universities with a direct channel to a key target market. More than nine in ten (96%) of managers and professionals in Australia engaged with news media in the last month. For universities targeting prospective students, many take advantage of the exceptional reach of print across each state and rely on metropolitan newspapers to cut through the noise. Universities can reach those actively considering a tertiary education in dedicated editorial supplements, careers pages, and The Australian’s respected Higher Education section published on Wednesdays. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending February 2016, Nielsen DRM February 2016, People 14+ only.
Newspapers: the perfect platform Newspapers provide education and training marketers with the time and space to tell their story The variety of education and training courses on offer presents a communications challenge. While it is important to maintain a consistent brand, education and training marketers must also convey the nuances and benefits of a range of courses across the social spectrum of potential students. Newspapers provide the perfect platform for education and training providers to showcase their services. They’re ideal for providing detailed information, in a highly engaging environment, where readers have the time to properly digest it. Newspapers offer education and training providers exceptional reach: 13.7m readers every month Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending February 2016.
94% 77% 71% In print and digital Print Digital The combined reach of print and digital news media: 94% of people who believe education is vital to success in life Print Digital Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending February 2016, Nielsen DRM February 2016, People 14+ only.
Education sections connect with audiences Every month 659,000 prospective students read a newspaper Education section Education & Training providers can reach those actively considering a Education & Training courses in dedicated editorial supplements, careers pages and Higher Education sections. This is a huge pool of highly engaged readers, and prime advertising territory. This is especially true for Education & Training providers who understand that gaining the maximum benefit from their advertising investment in an increasingly competitive industry requires creating relevant ads that put their brand in front of prospective students and their parents. Source: emma™ conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, People 14+ for the 12 months ending February 2016.
Client specific analysis & recommendations This is the point to bridge to a client specific discussion. Each presentation will need to be individually tailored to suit the client and their objectives, but the logical flow from here is to move on to Analyses that address the client’s specific situation, challenges and opportunities. Solutions using your inventory, giving clear reasons why they are appropriate to the client’s specific needs, and suggestions on how they can be used most effectively.